Example sentences of "his [noun sg] when he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I often travelled abroad with him as his driver when he investigated the activities of our revolutionary emigres .
2 He was also quite good at making enemies by speaking his mind when he thought the subject and audience were worth it .
3 ‘ Had the contract been simply for so many tons of potatoes of a particular quality then , although each party might have had in his mind when he made the contract this particular crop of potatoes , if they had all perished , the defendant would still have been bound to deliver the quantity contracted for . ’
4 In 1899 he lost his much-loved daughter , Josephine , and this sad event may have been in his mind when he wrote the emotive story , They .
5 Constable Campbell , lately arrived from Keppoch near Oban , and youngest of the ‘ B ’ Division force , was already running over the evening 's instructions in his mind when he left the temporary barracks , a Methodist Chapel , and set out to patrol his beat .
6 There was only one question in his mind when he read the papers : had they taken the story far enough ?
7 But he soon changed his mind when he realized the scope for expansion and the magnificent setting of the building .
8 Michael Whitaker , denied victory earlier in the day because of a timing mix-up , finally made his breakthrough when he won the Royal Windsor Horse Show top cash prize .
9 ‘ We considered that but Sir John Dacourt , an honest old soldier , was with Falconer in his room when he broached the bottle .
10 Vuk had not completed his education when he crossed the river in 1807 to join Karadjordje , although he felt he had learned all he could from his teachers in Karlovci .
11 Courtney Fairclough ( Chant HIS name when he bites the opposition 's legs )
12 Mark is said to have dropped his drink when he heard the news .
13 MICHAEL KINANE , the champion jockey of Ireland , completed the most sensational 24 hours of his career when he took the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe on the British-trained 19-1 outsider , Carroll House , at Longchamp yesterday , but he had to endure the longest 20 minutes of his life before he could be sure the victory was his .
14 Lancashire rider Ian Newton produced the best performance of his career when he won the 250cc class in the second round of the European road-racing championship at Kirkistown , County Down .
15 But he soon forgot his discomfort when he examined the many interesting rocks .
16 Jane Davis , prosecuting , had earlier told the court that Orchard , of Farringdon , London , had been walking his dog when he saw the girl in a playground in the King 's Cross area one evening last July .
17 His comment when he mounted the rostrum : ‘ At last I 've got up the steps today .
18 I saw him at the very moment in his life when he earned the name Elethandian gave him : the boy who listens to the voice of the oak .
19 ‘ He lost his temper when he assumed the children had been responsible for the doors being open . ’
20 Mr Taylor , who trained at the Royal Ballet School with Mr Gable at the age of 16 , defended his report when he told the D & S on Wednesday :
21 He was only jolted out of his misery when he approached the front door leading to his much-maligned flat and , as he struggled to pull his keys out of his right pocket with his left hand , a voice spoke to him from the shadows of the front porch .
22 Two years later James had his revenge when he had the earl beheaded .
23 Every item is individually made — as our photographer found out to his cost when he moved the sack of potatoes sending us scrabbling to retrieve them !
24 He hurt his back as the tailplane hit him glancingly , and his ankle when he hit the ground .
25 ‘ Well , here you are now , which is the main thing , ’ said Rupert a little awkwardly , yet determined not to apologise for the remoteness of his house when he remembered the hours he had spent waiting in the rush hour for a Green Line bus to their house at Warlingham or Woldingham or some such rustic name .
26 He allowed himself a little smile , which vanished from his face when he felt the car slowing , and glimpsed through the misted window the place the facilitator had brought him to .
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