Example sentences of "his [noun sg] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With several leading opposition figures clamouring for his resignation and calling for a national conference , President Mobutu Sese Seko on March 15 named a new Prime Minister , Mulumba Lukeji , replacing Lunda Bululu who had resigned the day before .
2 A thin splinter of moonlight caught the blond stubble of his beard and sliced like a glistening needle across the snout of a .45 revolver .
3 And after being taken off in County 's 2-1 defeat by Watford on Tuesday , Agana ripped off his shirt and headed for the players ' tunnel .
4 On no account should the patient be allowed or encouraged to get himself around by dragging his foot and leaning on the furniture .
5 ( He leaps up again , stamps his foot and shouts into the wing . )
6 Drained by his ranting and lulled by the way he could float in the starsuit , just touching the padded interior , he drifted into and out of sleep like a man wandering through the rooms of an empty house .
7 ‘ Oh , all right , spoilsports , ’ he said , feeling disgruntled , and he sat down , missed his cushion and landed with a painful thump on the floor .
8 Our Lord left this earthly scene to occupy his throne and to sit at the Father 's table .
9 This damage has been powerfully illustrated in a famous study that depended on deception : John Howard Griffin , a white man , darkened his skin and trudged through the American South .
10 He picked up his case and walked towards the door .
11 By dusk , though , each day of dignity , Clary would return to his base and sit by the cathedral , with his inseparable friend for comfort — the ‘ funny stuff ’ .
12 Her husband was knocked of his bike and killed by a drunken driver , who was later sentenced to twenty one months in prison .
13 George stared at her and suddenly ached to get away , to take his coat and his briefcase and get into the car and escape to the haven of the Unit and work and the baby and … which brought him back to the reason for his starting to probe her feelings about the project .
14 Parking in front of the clubhouse , our pilot grabbed his briefcase and splashed through the downpour to his colleague 's waiting car .
15 Cranston unclasped his cloak and basked in the sweet odours and warmth of the tavern .
16 The vicar looked at his watch and walked towards the wireless .
17 Vic compares the kitchen clock with his watch and rises from the table .
18 He sat back in his pew and looked around the church which the indefatigable ladies of the WI had transformed with flowers and holly sprays .
19 He suddenly had an idea , and taking the megaphone from the chairman , and wincing at the soggy mouthpiece , he summoned the last of his voice from his diaphragm and sang to the sea of caps and hats , a Harry Lauder music hall song :
20 Andy sits in an ancient bulging armchair , its fake brown leather rubbed through to the fabric net underneath in places and burnished to a deep black shine on the arms ; he nurses his whisky and looks into the fire most of the time .
21 They watched him pull himself out beside a flowering clump of figwort , gripping one of the tough stems in his teeth , shake a shower of drops out of his fur and scutter into the alder bushes .
22 When he moved back there was blood running down his chest and soaking into the waistband of his trousers .
23 Death held the receiver against his chest and leaned around the kitchen door .
24 But when he woke at quarter past six , his mind was full of ugly images , of Alex trembling , of the gun , and , most of all , of the expression of bewilderment and betrayal on Michael Banks 's face as he clutched at his chest and sank to the ground .
25 And on the hour Gill picked up a Hitchcock through ball , controlled it on his chest and fired in a memorable goal .
26 Hearing of the arrest of Martin Luther King in Georgia , he telephoned King 's wife to express his sympathy and called for the release of the highly respected civil rights leader .
27 Pascoe felt the cold beer fill his mouth and listened to the landlord 's radio distantly above playing ‘ White Christmas ’ .
28 Despite the lines of exhaustion bracketing his mouth and etched at the outer corners of his eyes , his gaze gleamed dangerously .
29 Gary stared at her for a moment , pins spewing from his mouth and catching on the front of his black jersey .
30 He took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew on the glowing tip .
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