Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [no cls] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No it 's down there , and in it er I wrote it last night actually when I was feeling pretty fucked off so it 's probably a bit out of order but I wrote to him and said erm tt Josh has been round this evening asking questions about what 's happened with his money erm and I think you 're really out of order .
2 However he , he must of chosen the right place to go and er he went right up onto the hill and Mr got his shooting er and he bought the thing on the spot .
3 Erm number one strength Alan erm although he does n't see to eye T eye eye to eye with er a lot of the city institutions and a lot of the shareholders erm he he does know his business erm and he has quite a strong character , very forceful and .
4 so I sent his friend bi when I cut it there 's some bits got ever so many cherries in so I sent his friend up with the cherries in .
5 his company er so he does n't really get that ?
6 And she said , no it was just that he 's talking of renting his house erm and I know of someone who wants to rent one .
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