Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [coord] [verb] up [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Six weeks after his burial , the Dragoons discovered his grave and dug up his corpse .
2 Even so , two meagre sessions of firing practice in all that time were of little help in strengthening his nerve or stoking up his fighting spirit .
3 No sooner had he freed the platform of the Collector 's superfluous presence than the Doctor sprang into his place and held up his hand for silence .
4 He shivered as he buckled on his sword and took up his post , hating the chill darkness and the loneliness .
5 Father Poole placed his tall silk hat on his head and picked up his stick .
6 Down at the gate , Gaily had taken off his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves .
7 They sat him up , hauled off his jacket and shoved up his sleeves , reapplying the tourniquets as quickly as possible .
8 He fetched up on his back and forced up his gun hand , ignoring the tearing agony of the slashed muscles of his upper arm .
9 Lee brushed the quiff of blond hair away from his forehead and screwed up his eyes .
10 After a year he parted from his father and set up his own practice at 24 Hardy Street , in the heart of the Liverpool docklands .
11 When they came back , Nick settled into his chair and took up his book .
12 He went back to his chair and picked up his paper again .
13 In 1765 Walpole broke with his father-in-law and set up his own firm , carrying off the French tobacco contract in the process .
14 He put on his coat and picked up his bags .
15 One grey-haired captain , a rough old chap , sat and sat not saying a word , mute as a mackerel , then suddenly got up in the middle of the room ad , you know , said aloud as if speaking to himself , ‘ If there 's no God then what sort of a Captain am I after that ? ’ , ad seized his cap and threw up his arms and went out .
16 Gildas , thinner than ever , stood a moment , wrinkling up his face and holding up his drooping hands in a way which Jack called his insect pose .
17 The Welsh guy clears his throat and picks up his briefcase .
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