Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] the house of " in BNC.

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1 He had been sufficiently interested in imperial issues to drift into the Round Table orbit some time after his election to the House of Commons in 1910 ; and by 1916 his claims to employment were being urged on Milner at the War Office by the Round Table guru F.S. Oliver , who put him unambiguously in a class by himself , above Amery , Brand and Kerr , at the top of his list for preferment .
2 The association complained of obscenity and Coote brought his case to the House of Commons in an effort to persuade Sir Richard Webster , the Attorney-General , to take up the prosecution .
3 He left little mark of his presence in the House of Commons , but was able to boast in 1621 of having ‘ been a Parliament man these 30 years ’ .
4 She continued that support after his elevation to the House of Lords in 1970 and during his service as joint chairman of the Southern Flank of NATO and as a Deputy Lieutenant of the city of Edinburgh .
5 In 1860 , the last bishop to wear his wig to the House of Lords died , and his successor as Bishop of Rochester , Dr Joseph Wigram , sharply criticised the wearing of beards and moustaches by the clergy .
6 He took his seat in the House of Lords on 4th July , 1859 , ‘ but never took much part in the debates ’ .
7 On the death of his father , the 5th Duke , he succeeded to the Dukedom of Montrose , and took his seat in the House of Lords .
8 They are ultimately more instructive than stories of nonagenarians who scale Everest or even ( enjoyable though they are ) of Lord Denning 's battles with the government from his seat in the House of Lords .
9 He was sworn clerk of the parliaments on 30 January 1610 , relinquishing his seat in the House of Commons .
10 The Tories were in some disarray after the association of some of their leaders with Jacobite intrigue : Oxford was impeached and sent to the Tower in 1715 , and although eventually acquitted in 1717 , his political power was effectively destroyed ; Bolingbroke fled abroad , and although he returned in the 1720s to play a leading role in the propaganda campaign against Walpole , he was not allowed to resume his seat in the House of Lords .
11 Details of Lord Young 's involvement emerge in an exchange of letters between him and Professor Smith on July 12 , 1988 — two days before he made his announcement to the House of Lords of the Rover sale .
12 He gave it to William Whitelaw , his leader of the House of Commons , and despatched him to Stormont Castle to administer the region .
13 Nicholas Ridley retired from the house of commons at the last election after his outspoken remarks over Europe , he took a peerage and spent the last few months of his life in the House of Lords .
14 The telephone answering machine at his London house said he was not there , his secretary at the House of Commons had no idea of his whereabouts , there was no reply when Rain rang his country house and his car telephone service failed to contact him .
15 A LABOUR front-bencher has been told he can not marry his bride in the House of Commons crypt because they are both Roman Catholic .
16 Kenneth Baker cleared up some of the confusion in his statement to the House of Commons last week .
17 According to his account to the House of Commons , Baldwin replied : ‘ Sir , that is most grievous news , and it is impossible for me to make any comment on it today . ’
18 The author with Lord Gibson and Lord Drogheda as Lord Gibson 's supporters on his introduction to the House of Lords in 1975 .
19 IN HIS speech to the House of Commons debate on the Draft Appropriation No 2 ( Northern Ireland ) Order , in July , DUP leader , the Rev. Ian Paisley welcomed the appointment of Sir John Wheeler as NIO Security Minister adding that he hoped he would bring the benefit of his experience in prisons to bear .
20 You 're due at four-thirty at his office at the House of Commons after Treasury Questions , whatever they are .
21 In John Hart 's case , his appeal to the House of Lords against the decisions of the High Court and the Court of Appeal would have been dismissed by four to one , had proceedings as related in Hansard not been allowed as evidence .
22 He was found guilty and sentenced to death , and , after his appeal to the House of Lords was rejected , he was hanged at Wandsworth prison 3 January 1946 .
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