Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 Richard Baxter appointed Mr. Baldwin his successor as pastor of the believers in Kidderminster .
2 Richard Baxter appointed Mr. Baldwin his successor as pastor of the believers in Kidderminster .
3 Lord Goold announced his resignation as chairman of the orchestra last autumn .
4 Immediately after the scale of the defeat became apparent , Kim offered his resignation as co-chairman of the DLP .
5 He remained a member of the Diet and , although he tendered his resignation as leader of the Takeshita faction , this was not accepted .
6 TELEVISION presenter Keith Chegwin opened his heart in front of the cameras yesterday and admitted ‘ I am an alcoholic ’ .
7 Former EC environment commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meana has expressed his support for opponents of the extension of the M3 through Twyford Down in Hampshire , saying the road project was a " brutal and unneeded monster " .
8 This was " our Arthur " at his first big political contest on home ground since his election to presidency of the union .
9 He also exhibited seven paintings at the British Institution ( 1841–60 ) and eighty-four ( 1841–69 ) at the Society of British Artists , of which he was elected a member in 1845 , resigning in 1852 in the hope that this would assist his election to associateship of the Royal Academy .
10 Not for them the comprehensibility or even the logic spelt out by the Prime Minister shortly after his election as leader of the Conservative party when he rightly said that there was something wrong with a tax that resulted in 50 per cent .
11 Mr Winchester predictably proves his case for part of the Pacific rim , from Japan round to California , but not for the whole circumference — and certainly not for the islands dotted in the Basin , despite the charming Western Samoan girl who takes his bags at Los Angeles airport and quotes Robert Louis Stevenson to him .
12 Sue Farr of The Marketing Society presents Robin Whitbread with his award for Marketer of the Year .
13 Only too evidently had God given his judgement in favour of the English claim for justice .
14 The chief priest of their idolatrous worship also took up his stand in front of the pagans , on a high mound , and like Balaam , attempted to curse the people of God , and to bind their hands by means of his magical arts .
15 His own seminal research work is referred to by other writers , and his experience in studies of the history of child care , policy trends , practice and organizational issues enables him to take both abroad and a detailed view of this complex field of human need and the research carried out within it .
16 It followed that each seller was liable to his buyer for breach of the condition in section 12 .
17 Richard Vines was its librarian , but he was removed from office after six years and , after he had openly burned his certificate of membership of the society , he was voted to be a non-member .
18 He flicks through his computer in search of the file marked : ‘ Over-confidence ; The Perils Of , ’ and he produces a stream of anodyne phrases which might have been scripted at Anfield or Old Trafford : ‘ Take nothing for granted … great respect for the opposition … must get it right on the day . ’
19 He had to wait until the coronation of Richard II before receiving an earldom , and his endowment with part of the Bohun inheritance was scarcely sufficient for one of his rank .
20 Any landowners who had been successful in this kind of enterprise would certainly have been of immediate interest to Paulus in his search for enemies of the State , as exploiters of pagan superstition .
21 He tucked himself into a tight ball , and , at the last moment , rolled on to his side from terror of the rocks beneath the surface .
22 Tomorrow , Mr Kinnock will make a personal statement about his future as leader of the Labour Party .
23 Kaifu 's lacklustre performance in response once again fuelled speculation about his future as leader of the LDP .
24 For our answer we have made an arbitrary assumption that he uses his car for 80% of the time for business and that half the repairs etc. relate to that car .
25 THE thinning man with the single red rose and the worried expression is resigned to his fate as father of the bride .
26 Innocent 's chances of intervention rested on his insistence on confirmation of the elected candidate , on the right of appeal to him if misconduct of the election was alleged and on election in his own papal court if both parties brought the case before him .
27 Michael Zhidkov , a great grandfather with a look of Ken Dodd , tries to alleviate the suffering of those left behind by the stampede for capitalism through his work as head of the Compassion Ministry .
28 In 1800 he became assistant to the latter , who at the same time gave him a post in the Office of Works as labourer in trust at Carlton House and also employed him in connection with his work as surveyor of the ordnance ; his first recorded works — minor country-house commissions in Staffordshire , of 1803–5 — were designed in James 's office for execution by the Wyatt family building business ; and in 1805 he submitted designs for Downing College , Cambridge , after those by James had been severely criticized by Thomas Hope [ q.v. ] , perhaps in an attempt to salvage the commission for the family .
29 Francisco Alves Mendes Filo , known as Chico Mendes , was renowned nationally and internationally for his work in defence of the forest of Acre .
30 In 1987 he was honoured with a United Nations award for his work in defence of the environment .
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