Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [noun] and [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 He quickly established himself within the PAN , challenging its professional politicians with the support of his business colleagues and unifying the fractious party .
2 Finding one was Coleman 's first assignment for Operation Goldenrod , in between setting up a NARCOG listening post in his back bedroom and instructing the Cypriot Police Force Narcotics Squad ( CPFNS ) in electronic surveillance .
3 He has Hungary 's second highest academic title in Marxist philosophy , has spent half his life teaching and disseminating the official ideology , and is one of the leaders of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party , which calls itself the ‘ vanguard of the working class ’ .
4 Under Kinn 's astute guidance , milking his showbiz contacts and using the paper to promote ‘ gigs ’ , the tide turned .
5 Mr used to open up his dragons and start his steam engine and driving the organ , and he used to give an organ recital every wakes ' Sunday night for the cot fund .
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