Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun sg] [be] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His one weakness was the lack of patience he showed with people he considered idiots .
2 A Corporal appeared and beckoned me through to the kitchen ; he was taller and thinner than the other one and his arms were covered with rough tattoos executed in Indian ink ; on his right forearm were the words , ( My courage for my father , my heart for my mother , my prick for a whore ) .
3 On his left bicep was the grim reaper with battleaxe ; on his right wrist was the motto ‘ Live Free or Fuck Off ’ ; Where , I asked coversationally , did you get that done ?
4 He was , however , most comfortable in the theatre and perhaps his greatest success was the music for the Royal Shakespeare Company 's dramatization of Dickens 's Nicholas Nickleby .
5 As a Gaelic scholar his greatest work was the collation and editing of William Livingston 's poems , with his own memoir and introductory criticism , and was one of the translators of the Revised version of the Bible into Gaelic , He died in Edinburgh in 1907 .
6 His greatest memorial was the History of the School , but by the terms of his Will he also bequeathed money to endow two prizes , the Hulsean Divinity Prize and the Benjamin Varley Geography prize .
7 His greatest quality is the way he motivates his team .
8 His greatest reward was the gift of a mortuary temple , the only one granted to a non-royal person , which was built near to that of the king and which raised the deceased Amenhotep to divine status , placing him amongst the cults of kings .
9 The primary task that de Gaulle set for himself in 1944 and to which he devoted the rest of his political life was the reconstitution of the French state into a state that could unite the nation , mobilize its energies , provide vigorous leadership , and stabilize France 's erratic course through the twentieth century .
10 Although he 's travelled all over the world taking stills , Mexico and the Bahamas last year , Thailand and Kampuchea before that , of all the beautiful places he 's visited and the stunning scenery he 's witnessed , his favourite place is the bottom of the sea .
11 His second goal was the highlight of the afternoon — the single-minded determination to score almost as impressive as the execution which saw him hold off Paul Parker and Alan McDonald and allow the ball to run past him before spinning and shooting across David Seaman , from right to left .
12 His second novel is The Man Who Was Late ( Macmillan ) .
13 According to the Memoir he was twice married , and his second wife was the widow Curran .
14 Lewis Carroll possibly knew of this phrase but , because he refers to the grin outlasting the rest of the body , it is more likely that his real influence was the cheese rather than the swordsman .
15 However , his chief venture was the opening in 1855 of a cricketing and cigar business at 2 New Coventry Street , London , initially with Fred E. W. Lillywhite [ q.v . ] .
16 For both operations , offensive and defensive , his chief weapon is the Bible .
17 His instant emotion was the actor-manager 's : theatrical cordite , writer fire .
18 His proudest achievement was the establishment of the Cheshire Homes for disabled ex-servicemen .
19 It is Hölderlin who first articulates them fully in his letters , in his epistolary novel Hyperion and , above all , in his poetry ; and his central target is the imbalance of German culture — as compared with the supposed perfection of Greece .
20 Dr Williams 's Library ( London ) Daniel Williams was a Presbyterian Minister who died in 1716 , and his personal library is the foundation of the present collection , which specialises in English Nonconformity of the Protestant type .
21 He noticed the shrewd examination Dame Sybil gave them , and hoped she would believe that Isabel 's worn gown and his stained raiment were the clothing of impoverished nobility .
22 The farmer and his younger son are the drivers .
23 And the particular incident that has aroused his fearsome wrath is the departure from Granada Television of Mr David Plowright , a man who knows about TV programmes , at the behest of Mr Gerry Robinson , a man who knows about balance sheets .
24 Outside London , his major contract was the execution ( with his brother John ) of the ambitious designs of Sir Bernard de Gomme [ q.v. ] for new fortifications in Portsmouth , where he also built the Garrison Hospital .
25 His prime responsibility is the security of our prince .
26 His preferred currency is the dollar .
27 He made outstanding contributions to all branches of children 's surgery but his lifelong interest was the aetiology of malformations .
28 Another favourite instrument of his late period is the basset-horn , a relative of the clarinet with a lower range and deeper timbre .
29 He was still quite active for his age , but his mental deterioration was the problem — he 'd lost his sense of direction .
30 For his old-fashioned masculinity is the cause of continual merriment on my part .
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