Example sentences of "his [noun] when he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He learned the truth about the cuttings , closing his eyes when he thought of her sitting in the attic , her long day done , painstakingly writing for O'Connor the articles whose brilliance and feeling told him of the intellect which lay behind her beautiful face and emphasised again what he had thrown away .
2 Deane was always a threat and two minutes before half-time he claimed his second when he turned in a low cross from Barnes .
3 Sparky , the youngest of three deserters from the Victorian army , flees his comrades when he falls in love , but is killed in a fight .
4 But on the whole it seems true to say that the minors and the ladies were at their lord 's disposal , and that they had little chance of resisting what he did ; but that none the less the lords were limited by custom , and even a king would be expected to consult his counsellors when he disposed of an heiress , as Henry I promised to do in his coronation charter .
5 Thérèse dared to interrupt his strictures when he paused for breath .
6 She cosseted him , served his favourite dishes , bullied him into changing his clothes when he came in drenched from one of New York 's torrential showers .
7 I belonged to that great multitude who could n't help liking Dick Crossman : he and I were always nice to one another , right to the day in 1974 shortly before his death when he came to the Birmingham Bull Ring in acute physical discomfort to hear me advise my fellow-electors to vote Labour if they wanted out of the Common Market .
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