Example sentences of "his [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus Sya , who announces that ‘ one who believes in war believes in God ’ and who beats his sister with a khaki belt , is an inflexible symbol of a militaristic ethos .
2 Louis Dersingham was clearly annoyed to find himself having answered his sister in the first place .
3 I rang his sister from a public phone box .
4 The line obviously comes from some lost ballad telling the story of how Child Roland went to Elfland to rescue his sister from the wicked King , a monster-legend , a Theodoric-story .
5 Just as important as expert advice was the new President 's ability to explain his policies to the American people in simple , homely terms .
6 Mr Whitelaw , as Home Secretary was furious at her applause for critics of his policies at the annual party conference .
7 But he pursued his policies within the parliamentary Labour Party and the Labour Party issued the ‘ Mosley Manifesto ’ , develop his policies into a full-scale plan in January 1931 , under the title ‘ A National Policy ’ .
8 By comparison with his policies in the western provinces and the Caucasus , Nicholas 's policy towards the non-Russians of the northern part of the empire was to leave well alone .
9 A judge of one division of the High Court can order the transfer of any proceedings against the bankrupt from any other division of the High Court or the county court to his division of the High Court ( r 7.15(2) ) .
10 Vlasov showed great energy and leadership qualities , transforming his division into a conspicuous example of efficiency .
11 In certain rites and ceremonies the Phoenix Guard attend the Phoenix King , most notably when he is chosen and enters the flame eternal in the shrine to mark his rebirth as the new king .
12 He concentrates his energies on survival and focuses his hope on the second addition to his life since my departure : a son , now quite as tall as his father and doing well at school .
13 If the philosophical discontinuity Foucault describes is truly occurring , then an inside or reflexive exploration of police practice should reveal the strength of these divisive classificatory techniques , for any binary separation of man by his contemporaries into the non-human categories suggested by Leach ( 1982 ) is the very stuff of anthropology .
14 The calm approach of Hilton and his contemporaries to the mystical extremity may not have been simply due to British phlegm but may also have been the legacy of the relaxed and tranquil spirituality of Benedictine monasticism .
15 ‘ Academically there was n't anything to shout from the ceilings , in fact I do n't think that he found the work easy , but there was a dedication there that some of his contemporaries of the same ability could have used .
16 While most of his contemporaries in the conservation world sit behind desks or on committees , Watson and friends race ‘ kamikaze ’ inflatable dinghies in front of Soviet and Japanese whalers ' harpoons or handcuff themselves to the seal hunters ' vessels .
17 William Waldegrave has now been appointed his lieutenant in the grinding battle within Whitehall , against warriors who will doubtless counterattack with the saddest words of public administration : ‘ We 've always done it this way . ’
18 Every few minutes Jacques Devraux sent his trackers up the taller trees to scan the plain on the other side of the river , but each time they descended shaking their heads .
19 ‘ He has proved a better confidential secretary than to give revealing answers , despite his weakness for the opposite sex — however beautiful , ’ Ven replied .
20 One engineer uses his truck as an illegal taxi , known as a ‘ proceso 500 , ’ and earns 80,000 Kwanza , To stem the flow of MPLA party workers , state employees , and professionals to the private sector and foreign aid groups , the government introduced a system of cards , lettered A , B or C , which provide bearers with privileged access to imported goods .
21 He would doubtless suffer this blow to his esteem in a First Folio or a 1532 Chaucer , given half a chance , but in lesser books the wound is too serious .
22 When he finally emerges , he will hang his shield on a leafless tree , which will sprout green leaves , and a better age will begin .
23 Only then would he hang the burden of his shield upon a withered branch .
24 The possession of a cow or two , with a hog and a few geese , naturally exalts the peasant in his own conception , above his brethren in the same rank of society …
25 But today the man who wants to be next the Health Secretary did his bit for the local campaign .
26 It was his first win in the league and came from a peg at Waverton , where he used a loaded waggler to drag his bit along the far bank and catch quality roach to eight ounces .
27 His raptures over pretty strangers and their come-hither designer clothes were as over-the-top as his enthusiasm for a new cocktail .
28 It was his next appointment in March 1904 , to the embassy in Constantinople , which fired his enthusiasm for the Middle East and settled the subsequent course of his brief but eventful life .
29 The rebuff did much to undermine his enthusiasm for the Conservative party .
30 Once you 've pondered the crucial question of which is the bigger — Mount Everest or Blessed 's supremely affable ego , then the best course of action is simply to let the saltily ribald tidal wave of his enthusiasm for the Big Hill and its history wash over you .
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