Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv] [conj] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Barnes played his heart out but failed to melt the hearts of selectors , who preferred to give Rob Andrew his 50th cap for Saturday 's Twickenham showdown .
2 ANC president Nelson Mandela was informed by Bush of his decision personally and tried to dissuade him .
3 Robert patted his hair down and tried to formulate a few opening remarks .
4 Even this did not make Donald crane his neck forward and start retching all over the table .
5 He revealed : ‘ A taxi driver gave us his card today and promised to take us anywhere we wanted to go if the club survived .
6 Deposed champion Evander Holyfield has changed his mind again and decided to retire after all following his defeat by Bowe .
7 Perversely , George Birkitt seemed to have lost his lines completely and had to take at least half a dozen prompts .
8 The People 's Assembly ( parliament ) , sitting on Sept. 17 , voted to dismiss the Attorney General , Maksim Haxhia , after hearing allegations that he had failed to carry out his duties properly and had falsified state documents .
9 He pushed himself back up on to his feet again and started to stumble across the sand to the village .
10 Uncapped openside flanker who took his chance well when summoned to replace Bartmann at Leicester .
11 In the end he preferred to leave the man alone with his wife rather than risk losing his latest conquest to him .
12 Daniel patted his wife again and tried to reassure her , although he was worried himself about Billy 's wellbeing .
13 Doctor Lefeuvre gathered his things together and prepared to leave .
14 The whole critical queue of experts were aghast with horror , their watching silence turned to muttering protest , but the customer I was serving simply nodded his head kindly and proceeded to teach me , mainly by face and hand gestures , how micro-thinly I should be cutting up his precious salami sausage .
15 Benny and Eve watched fascinated , as he shook his head sorrowfully and seemed to agree with something that had been said to him .
16 Captain Pintar did his sums again and agreed to fly , three hours late .
17 Luke pushed back his chair impatiently and went to stand at the window , looking down , his back towards her .
18 But he stood by his comments today and refused to withdraw them , accusing Sinn Fein and the SDLP of ‘ deliberately misrepresenting ’ what he said .
19 Still holding her , he raised his voice again and continued calling into the gathering smoke .
20 I lay on his bed later and strove to want him , strove to feel even a faint shadow of the sensations that had always engulfed me before , when I had known they must be frustrated .
21 It can take several minutes for the Goblin to pick his target , at which point he folds his wings back and starts to plummet , yelling wildly as the speed of his descent drives his small Goblin brain wild .
22 He wielded his brush vigorously and continued to do so until Christina and Paul left .
23 He took his belt off and started whacking Chrissie with it .
24 Maurice clasped his hands together and seemed to study them .
25 The doctor brought his hands together and seemed to study them .
26 As the words blazed their rainbow colours around him he flung his hands back and prepared to say the eighth and final word that would appear in coruscating octarine and seal the spell .
27 As he took his hand away and began to unbuckle his belt , Molly suddenly sat up .
28 He kicked his boots off and tried to grip with his toes .
29 He had sent his nurse away and had told nobody about Mary 's visit .
30 He extended his arm fully and began to waggle it in an arc across the faces of the congregation .
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