Example sentences of "his [noun] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Anticipating his discussions in London later yesterday with Mrs Thatcher , the Soviet Foreign Minister said that the four Berlin powers had a continuing responsibility to preserve peace in Europe .
2 He glanced at his mate , then feasted his eyes on Cissie once more .
3 He returned to Scotland to play for Motherwell but in 1978 set his sights on London yet again .
4 We believe that they were present at his meeting with Keightley not least because of KP 79 which records that COS Eighth Army was to visit the Commander of 5 Corps on 13 May .
5 Her grandfather , she remembered , had expressed his feelings about Lowell very plainly indeed .
6 On taking the job he expressed his feelings on Eldorado rather bluntly .
7 However , he recovered , and following the siege of Worcester had the great joy of being able to go and see his friends at Kidderminster once again .
8 He performed his tasks at WGIC apparently too well , so that we subsequently had great difficulty in getting him back !
9 The latter 's own gallery was in his house in Viktoriastrasse not far from a whole set of galleries and new theatres in Berlin 's ‘ alten Westen ’ around Lützowplatz and Potsdamer Strasse .
10 The fifth yacht to arrive in the space of eight hours , Rhone Poulenc , carried a crewman who 'd spoken to his family in Gloucester only once on the whole trip .
11 Fleischmann told me that in his opinion Jones should have declared his interest to Gajewski more explicitly , not merely that he was interested in the problem , and should have informed Gajewski of his results at that time so that there would be no ambiguity about claims for priority .
12 The King will be in his palace in Strelsau again tomorrow . ’
13 In the morning , his friendship with the Mason was still as strong and his hatred towards Gabriel just as hot — but he could not quite recollect the reason .
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