Example sentences of "from the [noun] that [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Any honest assessment of his chances of pulling this off should start from the realisation that he has only a few rusty tools at his disposal .
2 We must ensure that we can further benefit from the work that it performs so well .
3 AROUND £58 million was wiped off the personal fortunes of Body Shop founders Anita and Gordon Roddick yesterday , when shares in the toiletries chain slumped £1.12 to £1.54 , following a shock warning from the company that it has been hit hard by the slump .
4 The author makes it plain from the outset that he has no interest in trying to convince bar-stool pseudoscientists that they are wrong in believing that early cave dwellers battled marauding dinosaurs and that astrology tells all .
5 The key phrase is , of course , ‘ he let his thinking catch up with him ’ , with its subtle implication that Tethra has been trying to run away from the knowledge that he does not belong .
6 His has digested well his disappointments this summer because he draws confidence from the knowledge that he has enjoyed so many wonderful moments that he is quite capable of flowering again .
7 Mr was unable to produce his documents in relation to the vehicle which he indicated was his own and he was therefore given an H R T one to produce those documents but you will appreciate from the matters that he 's pleaded pleaded guilty to this morning he in fact , failed to produce his insurance driving licence and test certificate within the required period .
8 Since this is the nature of the economic environment within which the agent operates it is rational for the agent to use that information about her environment to draw inferences from the information that she has about the current state of the economy , that is to solve her signal extraction problem .
9 Further , she argues from the fact that one wills alienation to be overcome , that indeed it is overcome .
10 Germany 's economic strength derives from the fact that she saturates the EC and Eastern Europe with her exports .
11 As Reyburn observes : ‘ Of course the necessity to flush ping-pong balls down the toilet rarely crops up in everyday life but the owner of a double-trap ‘ siphonic ’ can take comfort from the fact that she has the toilet for the job when it arises . ’
12 Apart from the fact that there has been significant support for the alliance party over the last dozen years or so among the catholic middle classes , there is also a further factor .
13 This dynamic function of money stems from the fact that it represents purchasing power , which , when exercised , stimulates production of goods and services .
14 Our only means of escape is alcohol , and I keep off that pretty much ; but I ca n't say I blame chaps for getting drunk ( apart from the fact that it does n't do you any good ) , for few of them take any interest in books .
15 It is my belief that the right hon. and learned Gentleman 's refusal to publish the review — this is from the man who believes in open government — stems from the fact that it bears no relationship to the scheme that he is now putting forward .
16 No financial details were revealed on AT&T Co 's acquisition of Shaye Communications Ltd ( CI No 2,148 ) , and no indication of the company 's size was given apart from the fact that it employs 60 people , many of whom are involved in the design and engineering of the firm 's products .
17 Apart from the fact that it lacks a coat of fur , it is a perfectly normal cat , with a charming disposition .
18 Israel 's uniqueness stems from the fact that it considers itself to be in a perpetual state of war with its Arab neighbours which , together with the Nazi barbarities of the last war , is somehow supposed to make the rest of the world feel permanently sorry for Israel and give it the right to carry out any intelligence operations it likes .
19 Apart from the fact that it avoids the above dilemmas , by claiming only the narrowest scope for semantics , such a theory recommends itself to the pragmaticist for the following reasons .
20 It gets its name from the fact that it requires a fighter simply to raise his hands in a defensive position and bend his legs slightly , almost as if he were walking down the street .
21 After an insect has emerged from the egg the completed head shows few indications of a segmented origin apart from the fact that it carries paired appendages .
22 The sovereign power inherent in the British Crown , as exercised through Council and through Parliament , derives not from a treaty or document or compact , but from prescription , from the fact that it has been so from time immemorial — that it is immanent in the nation itself .
23 The interest of Jakobson 's theory , then , is that — apart from the fact that it has had such wide circulation — it shows both the strengths and limitations of the linguistic approach to literature .
24 The system is using it for itself , but you can not run away from the fact that it has helped a lot of women to pursue careers rather than to sit down and nurse babies .
25 Colleagues , the government 's inertia in tackling the crisis in industry stems from the fact that it has convinced itself , if not the general public , that there is no problem .
26 The whole enterprise is carried through with panache and — apart from the fact that it clocks in at a rather miserly total of only 52 minutes — the disc can be thoroughly recommended to anyone who wants a well-chosen selection of G&S numbers .
27 From the fact that it leads on to all sorts of other questions , we can reasonably infer that many of the justifications given in the literature are indeed question-begging .
28 The second sentence is perfectly unexceptionable apart from the fact that it appears to be in flat contradiction of the first : involuntary unemployment is a ‘ theoretical construct ’ — surely theoretical constructs fall within the purview of economic theory ! — which was developed to explain the very real and painful phenomenon of large-scale unemployment .
29 Aside from the fact that he does n't actually discuss it in any detail , there is little more than a disappointed huffing and puffing at the exhaustion of the avant-garde 's shock value ( backed up by a particularly crass quotation from Peter Bürger about Duchamp 's readymades ) and some utterly routine panting over the outlandish prices being currently paid for Van Goghs — plus a quotation from a sub-Warholian Manhattan ‘ artist ’ answering an art magazine questionnaire with a few smart remarks about business and producing art for the market .
30 ‘ He might discuss some business matters with my father , for whom he has a tremendous respect , but apart from the fact that he does n't live at Parkwood any more he never boasts . ’
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