Example sentences of "but she have [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Elisa had been expected to return too and continue her duties but she had decided to stay in Naples .
2 Some of his little ways had indeed been quite surprising in the past , seeing that they ranged from the quartering of badgers , rescued from a baiting , in her coal-shed to the introduction of separate limbs and even of whole orphans for dissection when they were in good supply towards the end of winter ; but she had grown used to them little by little .
3 Daalny had acted , after all ; she must have taken the second key during Vespers , from the nail where at noon she had watched the porter hang the first one , but she had had to wait for near-darkness before using it .
4 The torment never really went away , but she had learned to live with it .
5 If only she could just go home , hide away and never have to see anyone again — but she had promised to stick with Paula and there would be all kinds of awkward questions and recriminations if she arrived home alone .
6 True , it had taken her several minutes to decide whether the keys should be bunched or splayed but she had ceased fidgeting with them and settled into an abnormal quietude .
7 She was sorry … terribly sorry … but she 'd had to tell about her visit to Melissa … she hoped it would n't mean trouble for her .
8 because she 's gon na pick 'em up , but she 's got to work like you , slap bang in the middle .
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