Example sentences of "but i [vb past] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 At the rime his Jewish appearance did not strike me as peculiar because I had not yet got used to the idea of people thinking racially , but I learnt later that he was half Jewish and that he did this job to keep his Jewish wife out of trouble .
2 ‘ I shouted for someone to get him out , but I knew instantly that he could n't be saved .
3 ‘ I shouted for someone to get him out , but I knew instantly that he could n't be saved .
4 When they left , however , and I made the decision to stay , I knew it might be hard for me but I knew also that I was doing the right thing .
5 But I wished fervently that I had been able to do more , and as I passed my hand along the richly coloured coat over the ribs the vast bandaged finger stood out like a symbol of my helplessness .
6 Mum said how about renting one in Wisbech but I said well if she ca n't afford a mortgage you ca n't afford to rent one .
7 Well when Ken said about the headboard last week they were selling sheets on mini market I said pink ones and grey ones but I said not while they had the Christmas stuff in , it was before the Christmas stuff they must have taken them out you know I
8 I said well that 's what is , I said if you look at it the depreciation is so heavy compared with the income , and I said and the insurance as well but I said hopefully cos we have n't had any of er any claims at all this year you know , I said I know but all of the insurances of gone up , but I said I 'm hoping that we can sort of get the insurance down if possible so he said , yeah fair enough then .
9 Although I have Well I 've come through two wars and I remember the relief of Mathaking but I 'd sooner that I 've was born when I was .
10 I 'd love to , of course ; but I spent out when I bought Rose Cottage , so I 'm on my uppers .
11 but I got upstairs and it was just a lot of people going That was weird though like couples disappearing in rooms and sort of
12 Yeah but I got more than you .
13 But , I felt , I know , at one point I really thought I was going to have to ring Iris to come and just sit with the kiddies , but I thought well if I drop down what the hell , devil this house gon na look like in , with three of them let loose in .
14 But I decided then that I would write the story of my children , today , before it is too late .
15 I did not know at the time who had commissioned the poll , but I learned afterwards that it was the Conservative party .
16 but I sat down and we had n't actually done the lecture well I could n't do this other one because I did n't understand this
17 In a letter to Minnie , who seemed the natural recipient of the account she wished to give , she described how — when first she was taken ill Minnie , which I expect you have heard of from Miss Arabel , who I dare say was given a terrible fright as were we all , many despaired of her life but I did not and I am pleased to say my faith was justified .
18 I was very nervous and worried I might damage the fish , but I did n't and she has suffered no ill effects .
19 But I did n't and I daresay both wool and washing machines have improved over the years !
20 But I did n't because it would have been cruel and no one is ever cruel to June .
21 I could have gone to America with him , but I did n't because I refuse to fly .
22 I should have felt sorry for them , but I did n't because I was really only sorry for myself and their problems were n't mine .
23 But I did n't because I quickly discovered that I was even more fundamentally opposed to unnecessary pain — and resorted to an epidural anaesthetic .
24 I was in charge of what is known as the governor , which I felt might be an error , but I did exactly as I was told and all went well .
25 I had hardly even drawn before ; my attempts were inept , but I fumbled on until I had at least mastered the proportions of the human body ’ .
26 ‘ The offer was nice , but I stayed here because I think Wycombe have got great potential .
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