Example sentences of "but it [is] [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it is surely silly to deny that it has thrown politicians and television journalists together in an association that remains totally invisible to the public .
2 But it is theoretically possible to build a special machine — a protein molecule like the rest of the cellular machines — that runs off RNA copies from other RNA copies .
3 Inspection of Tei and Owen 's Tables I and 3 reveals that the laterality effect was greater for " same " trials but it is theoretically important to know whether there was any significant interaction between stimulus type and visual hemifield .
4 This leaves signed English systems as the most likely candidates for success in education , but it is also appropriate to introduce the ‘ bilingual ’ possibility of sign language .
5 ‘ Look at the intensity of the preparations for major matches , ’ he says , ‘ The expenses could not be met without sponsorship but it is also good to see this kind of money being used right down the line .
6 Not only is it necessary to perceive an entire picture of yourself , but it is also necessary to see yourself in the context of your natural surroundings .
7 But it is also necessary to link up these instruction words with other aspects of questions .
8 These will certainly be needed to clear the bowel of candida , but it is also necessary to treat the vagina with fungicidal pessaries , and the intervening skin with cream or ointment if there is to be any chance of success .
9 But it is also necessary to know music-making from the orchestra 's point of view .
10 But it is also necessary to avoid keeping them standing outside in the rain , or waiting in draughty corridors feeling unwanted while the meal finishes or the speeches are in progress .
11 But it is also useful to plan formal dissemination in advance .
12 A ‘ snapshot ’ sequence of pyramids may reveal the effects of social ( e.g. family planning ) ; historical ( e.g. wars , plagues , famines ) and economic ( e.g. recessions ) changes on population structure , but it is also useful to think dynamically in terms of cohorts .
13 But it is also uplifting to find a course charted for a better world that combines environmental protection , civil liberties and economic development as three sides of a single strategy , rather than bolted together in disjointed and contradictory declarations .
14 Experts agree that a varied diet is the key to great health , but it is also essential to monitor your fat intake .
15 But it is also helpful to see how such principles have been put into operation , and for this reason we look now at a discussion of two large urban sociolinguistic research projects , in Philadelphia and Belfast , which have utilized a range of different methods to attain different types of goal .
16 It is easy to do with halls of residence , but it is also easy to do where students are living in digs or even when they are the owners of properties .
17 It is indeed possible to say the same about the social world ; but it is also possible to deny it .
18 A formal meeting may have stated stages , for example : minutes of last meeting , proposal , seconding , amendment , debate , vote , reading of correspondence , any other business , closure ; but it is also possible to describe the parts as , for example : routine business , heated debate , heckling , and so on .
19 But it is also possible to see it as an attempt to formulate the way in which the sliding incompatibility of the two can only be perceived through an ‘ internal distantiation ’ in which the problem of that ‘ relation ’ is enacted by its relation , in the sense of the telling of a story — which is how we get history .
20 We easily recognise Yorkshire , Scots and Welsh accents , but it is also possible to detect a person 's social class by listening to his or her speech .
21 Similarly , a novel may have labelled sections like Foreword , Part I , Chapter 9 , and visible paragraphs ; but it is also possible to recognize such parts as : scene setting , character sketch , descriptive passage , dialogue , action , authorial comment .
22 It is all too easy to daydream while reading and thereby not recognise words which we are looking at , but it is also possible to recognise words which we are not looking at .
23 It is possible that the increase in the value of the company was justified , but it is also possible to understand accusations that this represented yet another privatised company sold at less than its real value .
24 Not only has much explanation had to be included , but it is also difficult to make many useful comments after a visit of only a few days .
25 It will revolve around a discussion between and a gentleman from the CBI , but it is also likely to include our own levelling his empty ( transferring barley to germination ) .
26 But it is also important to remember that the object of the 1790 visit was really Switzerland , traditionally the land of liberty ; Wordsworth never retracted his belief in the ideals of Switzerland , which helps to explain why , when France threatened Swiss independence in the late 1790s , it was necessary for him to make a decisive choice .
27 As we shall see , many of the controversies and conflicts which permeate contemporary rural life either stem from this fundamental change in the social composition of most villages or are exacerbated by it ; but it is also important to remember that this transformation has been provoked by preceding changes in the economic and social organization of agriculture .
28 Among northern textile workers poverty and the need to work probably played the most important part in the decision to seek an abortion , but it is also important to remember that working class women viewed abortion as a natural and permissible strategy .
29 But it is also important to study paddlers and boats relevant to the class of canoeing that we are working in .
30 There are issues of general principle at stake , but it is also true to say that there can be no absolutely right place in which to draw the line .
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