Example sentences of "but it [verb] [prep] i [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But it seemed to me you 'd made certain assumptions … ’
2 Their marriages had fallen on stony ground but it seemed to me there was still hope .
3 But it seems to me we 've got more than enough assets to cover the borrowings we 've got at the moment and indeed many more besides .
4 I know you chaps keep denying it , but it seems to me it must be the IRA .
5 But it seems to me it 's the person , people drinking the coffee who are getting the perk , therefore they should have twenty pounds a year added for free coffee providers
6 Or if it 's gon na occur but it seems to me it would , or sounds like it would be a simple let in to the
7 I 've turned it over and over in my mind , and it seems to me — I ne'er told the lad this , lovey — but it seems to me she waited till she 'd borne my Jake a son in his own image , as if she knew that 'd grieve him as nothing else could .
8 But it seems to me she should n't be locked up in Broadmoor , she should be somewhere where it 's more supervision , but more freedom where she can walk around gardens and places like that , erm
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