Example sentences of "but it was [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You could have refused , of course , but it was a choice I should n't have forced you to make . ’
2 Ever so faintly , but it was a smile none the less .
3 I daresay it 's dull , being tied to a house and young children , but it was a life you chose , after all , you were so eager to rush into it that you did n't even take your degree . ’
4 But it was a man who was standing inside , a policeman .
5 But it was a haste they paid for dearly in emotional terms .
6 John MacEwen said he 'd follow me in his pick-up , and that the journey would probably kill him , but it was a chance I had to take , he was definitely going to die if I left him there .
7 He and Warnie , for example , had decided that they would erect a memorial window to their parents in St Mark 's , but it was a decision they quickly came to regret when the Lewis , Hamilton and Ewart cousins all weighed in with suggestions of what should go into the window .
8 Well , sir , I thought I had only found a cook , but it was a crew I had discovered !
9 But it was a role he very nearly did n't get when the film 's backers decided he had become too difficult to handle .
10 Heated pain seemed to be filling her but it was a pain she clung to desperately , a feeling she had never experienced before .
11 Thus most forest and tundra peoples sacrificed reindeer , but it was a dog which was killed ( and eaten ) by those peoples ( Nanai , Ulcha , Nivkh and Koryak ) who used dog-teams for transport , while the sacrificial animal of the Buryats , Yakuts and other Turkic peoples was the horse .
12 But it was a control which required active defence , to which the Cinque Ports contributed a good deal , particularly in the late fourteenth century .
13 I could not remember ever having seen one of his poems in The New Yorker , but it was a magazine I saw only occasionally in those days .
14 His dark face usually held a cool austereness but it was a severity which , fast as quicksilver , could melt into warmth and charm .
15 Having a slaughterhouse for his pigs next-door may have been very convenient for Charles , but it was a luxury he was soon to lose : The Frome Turnpike Trustees had decided to drag Frome into the modern world by demolishing Rossiter 's buildings as part of a scheme to widen the road and ease the notorious bottleneck north of the bridge .
16 He did not amplify nor did Lily ask the nature of that risk , but it was a comment he profoundly believed , an emotion rather than a rational thought .
17 Its essential features had few clear and unqualified expressions , but it was a civilization which had come to be distinguished from others by the emphasis it placed on the individual , by its increasing separation of social and political institutions , by its material wellbeing , and by its growing rationality .
18 But it was a torment which had to be seen and analysed .
19 But it was an American whose vision prompted such grand travel .
20 Coober Pedy ( form the aboriginal kupa piti meaning " white man 's burrow " ) has a large migrant population but it was an Australian who dug me out when I became bogged down in the dull-dust , and an old swagman on the road who warned me to keep an eye on the weather .
21 In response to an appeal by the Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger ( USTN ) on May Day 1990 for the introduction of a multiparty system , Mamadou Dagra , the Minister of Civil Service and Labour , said that this was not excluded by Niger 's current political system , but it was an issue which should not be pursued with haste .
22 But it was an age which saw the slow , sure , and steady progress of social improvement and it was an age of hope , of optimistic belief in the future , unashamed aspiration for better days and better conditions in the world .
23 SCOTTISH champions Rangers are the undisputed rulers of British soccer but it was an Englishman who engineered the European Cup overthrow of Leeds United .
24 Yes but it was an aim which I 'm sure I I would , alright alright
25 The old man 's offer to buy the cottage was tempting , a few thousand pounds could be put to immediate use , but it was an offer he could n't accept .
26 But it was the Church which really fascinated me .
27 But it was the peace which people remembered , rather than the quarrel .
28 His caresses had urged her to a wild , uninhibited passion she 'd never known she possessed — but it was the love she felt for him that had sent her into such a breathtaking completion .
29 But it was the way they made him feel .
30 But it was the way it was . ’
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