Example sentences of "but the [noun sg] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 As Engels noted , women contribute differentially to the processes of production in different types of society but the contribution of women in the production of the most important goods of the society does not necessarily give them a high status as he thought .
32 The distinguishing feature of the ‘ Socialist camp ’ is not just the obvious limitations imposed upon the state sovereignty of its members , but the centrality of relations between parties .
33 No one doubted that the disqualification remained in force so far as clergymen of the Church of England were concerned but the position of clergymen of the Irish Church remained in doubt until the election of one of them , the Rev. MacManaway , in 1950 .
34 One major Maxwell company , Mirror Group Newspapers ( MGN ) , had agreed to meet liabilities towards its 15,000 pensioners and employee members , but the position of pensioners in other Maxwell concerns was not secure ; a number of these concerns had made no payments , or had made only reduced payments , to pensioners in recent months .
35 There was no great difficulty as to privileges existing under the law of the two States principally concerned , but the question of privileges under the law of third States proved much more difficult .
36 A few lights burn further down the loch to the right , but the mass of mountains on the far side rises dark into the starry sky , grey becoming white at their snow-dusted summits .
37 But the frequency of fines for non-attendance indicates the declining authority of the Forest administration .
38 But the price of meals to consumers is higher than the price of meals received by producers .
39 At best the faker can try and render the surface somewhat weathered and pitted by treatment with hydrofluoric acid , but the presence of fluorides in the surface can be easily detected .
40 This may suggest that he travelled , but the presence of texts in foreign languages among his songs is by no means conclusive , for in some cases it can be shown that the words are not original .
41 Three-mode lasers , especially in folded resonators , are probably more complicated than theorists would wish , but the class of lasers in which chaos of this type may be observed is probably very large , and such experiments may well prove useful in testing the universality of the " universal " routes to chaos .
42 Of course , like thousands of others around the world , I felt I ‘ knew ’ him from the wireless and his writings on the game ; but the training of binoculars on him in the commentary-box at Lord 's or The Oval was the nearest to physical contact .
43 But the influx of outsiders with a vision of the wine they wanted to create has shown what the region can do .
44 Of course , I had no idea whether these ladies were right or wrong , but the revelation of fragments of past lives helped me come to terms with my true nature , and to understand why I had been troubled in the past .
45 All the elements that make up total earnings vary according to the size of the firm but the extent of differences in the basic wage is somewhat less pronounced .
46 Most importantly , he claimed that the new science was not the progeny of earlier science but the outgrowth of developments in the practical arts .
47 In a third condition , words were presented in randomly ordered phrases , so that the sequence of words within a phrase ( marked by / above ) was maintained but the sequence of phrases within the passage was disrupted .
48 Suppressing the Poles had taken less than a year , but the pacification of Muslims in the mountainous region between the Black Sea and the Caspian was to continue beyond the end of the reign .
49 But the ejection of grains by bombardment will not be even on a surface such as that shown in Fig. 1 1.2 .
50 The decision to break was not taken in haste , but the culmination of years of little niggles which seemed to have no end in sight .
51 But the acquisition of ideas from experience is not a straightforwardly passive matter .
52 But the list of ingredients in the cake given to the Greens was far more complex .
53 She was unusually silent , but the group of scientists at the tables could hear her muttering to herself as she punished the books at the end of one of the bays .
54 The publishing history of Mills and Boon emulates precisely that of the developments in mass market publishing in Europe and America ; it may be an extreme but the dating of shifts in their ownership and distribution structure conforms to the major historical changes in the publishing industry .
55 Meanwhile international loan finance was secured , but the inflow of funds to London had the effect of holding the exchange rate at a level which , given the British inflation rate , made British enterprises increasingly uncompetitive and hence worsened the corporate liquidity position .
56 The great gods were remote and awesome to most ordinary Egyptians , but the appeal of gods like famous kings and deified humans lay in the fact that their qualities could be recognised and understood by everyone .
57 But the pattern of leaks since then has complicated things for both the British and Irish .
58 But the optimism of workers at Rover 's Cowley plant in Oxford and the Stratton St Margaret site in Swindon turned to anger 18 months ago , when the European Commission announced that sweeteners worth almost £45m that helped clinch the deal , were illegal and would have to be paid back .
59 Alstroemeria ; aquilegia — but the sound of footsteps behind her penetrated her numbness , and she swung round .
60 I ca n't imagine I would try and scramble up over rocks using my nose , but the use of hands in the mountaineering hierarchy seems to be of prime importance .
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