Example sentences of "but when [pers pn] [vb past] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But when we went to Holland , a rather different picture emerged .
2 I was bored between stops , but when we came to Santa Barbara I fell in love with the lovely cove , with the village — and with the local farmer 's son . ’
3 But when we emigrated to Mexico as teenagers with our mother and stepfather in the mid-fifties , he suddenly burst into articulate Spanish and English — to which he later added French and Indonesian — all of which he used to protect and further his folle indépendance .
4 But when it came to Grunte , they disagreed .
5 And I th , I think about a great deal because it 's a very strange , it 's a very strange thing to talk about but when I came to Suffolk , I might have told you this before er , I had hardly been away from home at all , I was only seventeen when I first met him
6 I was sitting in the car park and I appreciated the area very much , it was nice , clean area but when I came to Walsall it was smoky and dirty area I 'm sorry to say that and er , but I had no alternative but to stay here because my father was here , I had no money and er , I thought because of relations job prospects might be better here than elsewhere .
7 It is sad that in Britain we have lost most of our old heritage , but when I went to Ireland I was pleased to find that Yeats and others before him had rescued many of the stories and legends that had been in danger of being lost .
8 But when I drove to London to collect her as we 'd arranged , I found that she 'd had a phone call less than an hour previously to say that Barney was ill .
9 But when I spoke to Dr last week I mean he just held his hands up and said i do n't know .
10 When you came back down from the mountains you made some recordings that to this very day have a unique atmosphere about them — the Metamorphosen , the Brahms Requiem — but when you went to England to work with Legge 's Philharmonia there was an added interest to your music-making : the enormous repertory you managed to acquire and record .
11 But when he went to Holland , his bill was twelve thousand pounds owing to him , .
12 ‘ Mainly cooks and cripples , ’ he said cheerfully , and the family hoped that this would mean that he stayed in England , but when he returned to London after his leave the battalion was made up to strength and moved to Howick in Scotland .
13 He refrained from taking any alcohol or drugs , but when he returned to Hollywood to commence filming , he began drinking again and was picked up by the police for drunken driving .
14 But when she got to Auckland , when she found herself alone with Damian for three days and three nights … what would she think of then ?
15 She had these cryings often , she says complacently , while she was in Jerusalem and Rome , but when she returned to England , they were much less frequent ; then they occurred once a month , once a week , daily , seven or fourteen times a day , and at last ‘ whenever God would send them ’ , in church or in the street — never , apparently , in the privacy of her own home .
16 She won the star female part in Batman against competition from almost every actress in the US — but when she came to England to start filming , she had to drop out because of an accident and lost the role to Kim Basinger .
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