Example sentences of "but its [noun sg] be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 So far as one of its most important components was concerned , early opera developed pari passu with solo song , but its evolution was controlled by other factors .
2 Attempts were made to disperse the stone throwers with a water cannon , but its progress was halted by a barricade ; police trying to clear the obstruction returned fire with stones which had been thrown at them .
3 This is a major task , but its importance is affirmed by the attention feminists in general , and Marxist-feminists in particular , are giving to the problem of women 's place in the class system .
4 The moon was fuller than the night before , but its light was diffused by cloud .
5 The use of music in worship in New Zealand has grown in quantity as a result of greater congregational singing , but its quality is said by a correspondent to have declined greatly .
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