Example sentences of "but if [pron] [vb base] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We may reduce the dredging of rivers , but if we stop it altogether , floods will return to overwhelm us .
2 Of course there are , and ought to be , a thousand images of God in which we represent him as changing his mind , forgetting , being angry , being him , doing all kinds of creaturely things ; our language of worship , of gratitude for existence , has to be full of such metaphors and images ; we must take these metaphors seriously , but if we take them literally , if we mistake these images for God , we are idolaters .
3 Might sound a bit complicated , but if we take it slowly , all will be revealed , and you will see that by using this method , every guest has an equal share of fishing opportunities .
4 ‘ Mr Appin will try to be clever , ’ said Miss Resker happily , ‘ but if we watch him carefully , we shall see his lips move . ’
5 Oh I know , but I mean sort of there , I do n't know she would actually when it comes to it , but if we see her up there cos we can do the
6 But if they get it wrong they have the consolation that , for all the recriminations , it probably wo n't have made much difference to the outcome of the election .
7 Yeah but if I wash them where are you going to put them ?
8 So I had a shot at this , but if I cut it out that part of the window was black , it did n't look right , so i put a shade over it .
9 It is n't wrong to feel angry , but if you let it out in ways like this , the distress will increase for both of you , and you risk losing more than the chance to be a mother .
10 Blencowe responded , ‘ … let him spoil on ; he has a pleasure in thinking he earns his daily bread at four score years and ten ; but if you turn him off , he will soon die with grief ’ [ Baker , 1 , 639 ] .
11 Alder burns well , dry ; but if you use it exclusively you will be sawing all day .
12 but if you keep it still because there 's nothing happened there your eye disregards that and it takes in things that are moving .
13 But if you set it up jointly , you ca n't direct all the gross income if that 's what you 're thinking you ca n't say well I 'll have all that income gross cos my wife 's got an unused allowance , you 've got to split it down the middle in the case of a joint account .
14 If you get it right the Beaver stops on a sixpence ( but if you get it wrong , normally yielding water can be awfully hard ! )
15 Yeah , but if you get it back in funds well that 's no use to you is it ?
16 It could look like snobbery in conversation , but if you take it together with his family background and his interest in penance , it might look more like coming to terms with an inherited stain . ’
17 If you cut the ash in , it was whitish , but if you cut it in , most of it when you cut it down , it was more like cream colour .
18 The thing is , you can use the filthiest sound in the world , but if you mix it really low , you 'll actually perceive it as a clean sound .
19 I suppose I 'm feeling slightly sceptical about the situation , but if you ask me as blankly as that of course my immediate reaction , my old reaction would be ‘ but of course I feel confident about the future of British music ’ , you know , in my more sceptical mood now I still would say ‘ yes ’ , but not quite so enthusiastically as before .
20 ‘ He later apologised , of course , but if you know him well , you know that he is very fair . ’
21 But if you know them why should you put Dear sir ?
22 Like the they 're names are Swedish sounding but if you put them together like an Asterix book they they sound like something else .
23 ‘ Well … say if someone serves you fairly often in a shop , you recognize them when you 're in the shop , but if you meet them somewhere quite different , like at the races , you ca n't remember who they are . ’
24 but if you hang them up I think it 's better .
25 ‘ You need to hit the ball hard to get out but if you hit it too well , you go over to the other side of the green …
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