Example sentences of "but she [adv] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But she also has to learn it .
2 The atmosphere was slightly chilly but she scarcely seemed to notice it as she sat herself at Ward 's desk .
3 But she obviously intends to seduce you . ’
4 A number of shops and boutiques had shown an interest in her clothes but she still had to produce them , innovative yet saleable , not too expensive for the market but of a good quality .
5 Julius featured in none of the drawings , but she still seemed to see him ; she could see that sudden haunted look in his eyes .
6 But she never dared ask him , for fear he would tell her ) — the grocer treated her to infrequent smiles and would give occasional chocolates to Victoria , who would go back to the toyshop with a heavy brown moustache and sideburns .
7 Alix bought some the next day , on her free half day in Cambridge before she took the Bletchley route to her Oxford interview ( for she was a clever girl , Alix ) — but she never dared to apply it , save in the privacy of her own room , until she went to Cambridge herself as a bona fide student the following autumn .
8 Auntie Lou had friends in the town who asked her to tea sometimes but she never dared ask them back .
9 Eurowoman may have a baggy bottom , but she always manages to salvage it with a sensational pair of legs .
10 If only she had seen him come into the shop — but she always seemed to miss him .
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