Example sentences of "but they [modal v] [be] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 Er you er you 'd have two outside independents and you could n't say how they would be , but they would be elected by the whole te whole er Board of Trustees .
2 Often the distinction between the two will be blurred , but they may be tested by the following criteria : Do not assume , however , that all judgements are automatically good and opinions bad .
3 The majority of smokers who give up do so by simply deciding to stop but they may be helped by the informal support of the family , friends or colleagues .
4 But they 'll be elected by the cast .
5 Some of the present generation 's problems with information will therefore recede , but they will be replaced by others : and chief amongst these are selection , interpretation and evaluation of information .
6 But they will but they will be appraised by , who will appraise them then ?
7 There will be sweet moments for all of us , but they will be swamped by the sour … and we 'll all be happy , in our own peculiar way , saving up for a sunny day two or three years off in the future .
8 Plasmids that do not carry fertility genes are unable to move from one bacterium to another , but they can be mobilised by plasmids which do have them .
9 Below , tag lines to the standard Harken genoa cars are normally handled on a cockpit winch , but they can be replaced by tackles if desired .
10 If you are over-weight , and must cut down the amount you eat , you will repeatedly lapse , to satisfy your cravings. persistent minor symptoms , such as headaches , aching limbs or a lack of energy are often put down to nerves or stress but they can be caused by a reaction to food .
11 Insteps frequently smash into elbows and need bandaging , but they can be protected by shin or instep pads .
12 The closer the Gnostics stood to orthodoxy , the more likely they were to wish to infiltrate the catholic community ; this was especially the case among the Manichees , but they could be detected by their refusal to drink of the eucharistic cup ( since they regarded wine as an invention of the devil ) and to make the sign of the cross ( since to them the suffering of Jesus was no actual event but a symbol for the universal condition of the human race ) .
13 He would allow the existence of different ideological currents , but they must be bound by the common rules of play imposed by him .
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