Example sentences of "but i [verb] never [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I could see a barge or something out there in the middle of the Thames but I 've never been much good with boats .
2 But I 've never been one of those guys who set out to be a technical guitarist and I still do n't refer to myself as a technical player .
3 ‘ After that I suppose I 'll start training for another marathon , but I 've never been good at looking to the future .
4 But I 've never been this close before … ’
5 No , I said , I 'm not , but I 've never been ashamed of er of er of my parents and my background .
6 I 've often felt desperate too , but I 've never been able to talk about it because people think you 're being superior : holier than human .
7 But I 've never been able to write except when I was stone cold sober .
8 I 've heard that there 's another door in the park somewhere , but I 've never been able to find it .
9 But I 've never been able to think straight where you 're concerned , ’ he said softly .
10 Someone also presented me with an electric washer but I have never been able to use it because there is n't water in the house and I would n't be able to understand it anyway .
11 I have often looked for it with binoculars , but I have never been able to glimpse it even with × 20 , though my 76-mm refractor brings it out unmistakably , and with my 39-cm reflector I have no trouble in seeing the central star .
12 One globular cluster , NGC 5466 , is said to be visible , but I have never been able to see it without a telescope .
13 M67 is in the field with Alpha ( 4.2 ) ; it is said to be visible with the naked eye , but I have never been able to confirm this , though with binoculars it is very easy indeed .
14 It is rather faint ; I can just see it with × 12 and easily with × 20 , but I have never been able to detect it with × 7 .
15 There is said to be a rough period of about 100 days , but I have never been able to confirm this .
16 The components are of magnitudes 4.4 and 5.7 , and since the separation is almost 44 seconds of arc it should be possible to see them individually with × 20 binoculars , but I have never been able to do so with certainty .
17 It is said to be visible with binoculars , but I have never been able to see it without a telescope .
18 In fact M42 is only the brightest part of a vast nebular cloud which covers most of Orion , but I have never been able to see the rest of it with binoculars .
19 The range is said to be from 3.2 to 4.2 and the period around 45 days , but I have never been able to make much periodicity out of it , and neither have I ever seen it brighter than magnitude 3.6 .
20 Of the other stars in Pisces , Theta and Omicron ( each 4.3 ) have K-type spectra ; I can see that Omicron is slightly off-white , but I have never been able to see any colour at all in Theta .
21 Whether these were John 's family or whether there was another brother or sister I do not know , but I have never been able to find out anything about who they were or where they went to .
22 He was " more reconciled and calm " than he had been at thirty ; " age had not made him wiser " but I have never been wise " .
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