Example sentences of "but it [modal v] [vb infin] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bogwood is semi-fossilised , and should not contain harmful substances , but it may stain the water dark brown .
2 This method of progression is unsettling enough to make some riders seasick , but it may hold the key to the beast 's endurance .
3 On a large number of matches the extra few fish that this may put in their net will not make any difference between winning or losing , but it may affect the deficit or margin by which they win or lose .
4 It wo n't cut your premiums but it may cut the risk of theft .
5 For those publications which use colour , transparencies can usually be accepted from 33mm upwards , but it may help the magazine if plate sizes are agreed before the pictures are taken .
6 In many ways 1993 marks the end of this pattern , but it may take the whole of the year to do so .
7 If you ca n't find the pattern you want in a vinyl , you can protect paper wallcoverings with a polyurethane varnish , but it may yellow the pattern slightly .
8 That would probably do little to bring so-called advances on royalties back to a more sensible level , but it might give the publisher some added stability , and therefore a greater incentive to put sustained effort into an author 's career .
9 The antihistamine would have little value , but it might slow the reaction marginally until her medical kit or the allergy kit arrived .
10 Maybe you do n't want to but it 'll keep the wind off you , and it keeps raining .
11 Well it must have been a tall , a long cat and a low door but it would lift the knocker and knock its way in
12 But it would prevent the press from publishing calumnies which can not be answered , as in the Beck case , sometimes until weeks or even months after the allegation is made in the public arena of a court .
13 It 'd add to the lengthiness of the business of cataloguing , but it would enrich the archive 's use , I think , increase its importance as a socio-historical source .
14 But it would leave the Government exposed to the full force of house-buyers ' fury , with no international excuse for forcing an increase in mortgage rates that would probably have occurred anyway .
15 The development of the law of peace along these lines would not be a return to the acceptance of the legality of armed conflict as an instrument of national policy , but it would involve the articulation of a theory of the just war , however dangerous this may seem .
16 The official killing iron was heavier than she was used to , but it would do the job .
17 But it would complicate the withdrawal , with three thousand men to get back across that ford , instead of one-third of that number .
18 It too , in a sense , is a potential person but it would seem the act of a fanatic to insist that it has a right to life .
19 The repair did n't look much , but it would keep the rain out .
20 But it would save the country money in not producing surplus cereals .
21 But it would increase the risk of undermining the pound and forcing a protective rise in interest rates .
22 But it would provide the breathing space necessary to organise orderly realignments , and permit the ERM to survive until EMU is in place .
23 Priority was to be given to walking , not only because it was felt that this would give disproportionate environmental benefits and would aid access to public transport , but it would recognise the dominance of local movement by foot transport .
24 But it would spoil the illusion if all the merrymakers were to think that their spending bonanza was for their own satisfaction .
25 No briefing session can deal with individual problems but it should advise the executive moving abroad to ensure that his tax position is handled properly to avoid making costly mistakes .
26 The acceptance of the proposals of the Franks Committee to reform the Official Secrets Act would not necessarily prevent civil servants in the future being faced with a clash of loyalties but it should make the problem less acute .
27 It may still be necessary to avoid certain food items or undergo other forms of treatment , but it should speed the body 's recovery , and make it possible to return to a more normal diet sooner .
28 This does not , of course , guarantee truthfulness , but it must improve the chance that the replies will be honest .
29 But … but it must cost the earth .
30 In our view this argument is valid : there is value in that generalised approach but it must include the study of language as well as languages .
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