Example sentences of "but it [be] not [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 There is a rigid hierarchy but it is not just a sexual hierarchy .
2 But it is not just a question of Turks in Berlin or even Turks in West Germany .
3 KEYS : ‘ But it is not just a question of what is going on on the park , it 's what 's happening elsewhere that we 're beginning to hear and read about and that 's never been the case at Liverpool previously , ever .
4 But it is not just a matter of language .
5 But it is not just a question of ripping them down .
6 It is usual for governments to engage in such consultation , but it is not yet a convention of the Constitution that they do so .
7 The Easy-Carve is in fact not as noisy as one might imagine , but it is not necessarily a tool I 'd want to use for long stretches .
8 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
9 But it is not really a wilderness , as many of the ‘ friend of the court ’ briefs filed by scientific bodies suggest .
10 But it 's not just a ‘ good looker ’ !
11 It but it 's not just a row of poplar trees , it 's it 's quite a wide er mix .
12 Well I do like trains , but it 's not just a case of liking trains , okay , yes , I like , I like trains , I like , I mean I 'm old enough to remember the steam trains , it 's not just a case of that .
13 I think you have to remember that the next line begins , If , so it 's not just a pro it is , it is a nationalistic song , but it 's not just a proclamation that they will be , erm ,
14 I hope it will be a birthday year in in every way , er but it 's not just a good excuse to have a party there is very serious intent behind this birthday .
15 But it 's not just a case of getting fit .
16 But it 's not just a cough ?
17 People make a virtue of loyalty but it 's not always a good thing .
18 If you do n't win the Boat Race , it might be a good year otherwise but it 's not really a good year . ’
19 but it 's not really a good idea because if something goes wrong with your machine
20 But it was not simply a matter of taking one extra form : as the increase progressed up the School , it would become the equivalent in time of five extra forms , and it would not be until 1971 that such an expansion could be accommodated , as the building programme came to fruition .
21 But it was not just a question of the physical environment ; discipline was also integral to the control of the mental environment of individuals ; it was part and parcel of self-respect , self-control and perseverance , as well as the ability to shape the nature of one 's own existence .
22 But it was not just a question of punishment ; for those who had fought on the winning side there were rewards to reap .
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