Example sentences of "but it [verb] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had told no one at all but it had been the great dream of her life to go to Spain , the real Spain .
2 The decision , made six months ago , to uproot herself from England and move to the Algarve might not have been easy , but it had been the right one .
3 But it had been the easiest of the three days .
4 Some mental quirk had had her jumping — wham , bam ! — to an instinctive conclusion , but it had been the wrong conclusion .
5 But it had been the older sister he had gone there with , and had apparently abandoned in favour of the younger , more exciting girl .
6 but it 's been the old nut crackers
7 But it 's been the same all season — we 've asked too much of too few . ’
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