Example sentences of "but [ex0] be no [noun] she " in BNC.

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1 But there 's no way she dreamt up her own image .
2 But now it 's gone down , but there 's no ulcer she had a laparotomy on Friday the tube .
3 Now whether it had got there by mistake we never knew but there was no question she was absolutely just dismissed on the spot .
4 But there was no doubt she hated leaving her family behind and being away from Wales .
5 Like Ari , she had no difficulty accepting the idea Tammuz had once been Ewan , but there was no way she could really feel this odd , crazed man was the one she 'd loved before .
6 She did n't have to like it , any more than she had to like being Vanessa Vail , but there was no way she could evade the responsibility without racking up a seed of guilt that would sprout and eat at her Dreams .
7 But there was no way she could bring herself to like the other woman , even though she suspected that , had the circumstances been different , she would have warmed to her immediately .
8 But there was no way she would allow herself to be carried away by that hypnotic pull that he had over her .
9 Well , she might be half-English herself , but there was no way she could just stand by and watch .
10 Right then Shannon would gladly have given her entire make-up kit for a rest , but there was no way she was about to admit any weakness to him , particularly after that crack about her ‘ poor over-used mouth ’ .
11 But there was no way she was going to open that door until she knew who was there .
12 She had no idea , but there was no way she would tell him that anyway .
13 If he had kissed her with passion or some brutal demand to impose his will on her then she could have found the strength to fight him , but there was no way she could resist this aching tenderness , this joining that made them one whole .
14 Fran took a slow deep breath , then another and another , but there was no way she could hold back the knifing pain .
15 She had phoned in sick straight after she 'd got home that dreadful morning and spent the next couple of days trying to come to terms with what had happened , but there was no way she could ever accept what Luke had done , how he had used her in that unscrupulous way .
16 The truth was she 'd never been more curious about anyone in her whole life , but there was no way she 'd give him the satisfaction of knowing that .
17 But there was no way she could divulge the pivotal reason for her deciding to move here .
18 Kath was terrified , but there was no way she was going to fall off unless she took Jack with her !
19 Technically speaking , of course , she was off duty now and one of the night sisters had responsibility for the unit , but there was no way she was handing over until the camera crew went home .
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