Example sentences of "but [ex0] be [art] way [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But there is no way we can test for this hypothetical delay .
2 Ardrey may well have a point here , but there is no way we can afford to leave out the social and political ( or ‘ cultural ’ ) relations and processes underlying such conflicts .
3 But there is no way I would support those who degrade it .
4 But there is no way I 'm going to go on a tour just now simply to grovel to those people who still do n't think I can sing . ’
5 But there is no way I would be a professional model , its too exhausting . ’
6 People say I kicked him in the head but there is no way I would do that . ’
7 All right , so I took full responsibility for the organisation of the sale , but there is no way I can be blamed for the outcome .
8 But there is no way he will be held to ransom over a figure which is totally unrealistic .
9 We have problems as women but there 's no way we can overcome our problems as women unless we have jobs as well .
10 But there 's no way she dreamt up her own image .
11 But there 's no way I intentionally tried to hurt him , even though it might look that way .
12 ‘ That may appeal to you , but there 's no way I would consider it even for a moment . ’
13 ‘ All right , but there 's no way I 'm entrusting this story about Harry Martin to her .
14 I was standing there and I was going I had the two pound in my pocket like but there 's no way I was giving her two pound so Bitch
15 But there 's no way you can get round it with the way it was recorded . ’
16 Well , Ken said three hundred people , but there 's no way there was three
17 But there was no way they were going to drag that out of me .
18 I recall at this period that I had a new second pilot by the name of Saltzgaber , who was first generation Canadian but German born , The target was Mannheim , When we got into the area we found that thick cloud covered what we thought was tie target , so we went down , But there was no way we were going to get under .
19 ‘ I lost a fortune by closing the place down , but there was no way I wanted to carry on the business . ’
20 I did n't think I 'd be able to keep my sanity or my family if it happened again , but there was no way I was going to let him make me sign for a loan I did n't want .
21 It was a big step to take , but there was no way I could contemplate settling down to bring up my family in London , and I knew my wife felt the same way as she loved the sea and country .
22 The fact that a sociologist was witnessing the interviews make it all the more certain they would be conducted with scrupulous care , but there was no way he would be given access to the extra-legal deals which may well have gone on outside the interview room or later during a prison visit for ‘ write-offs ’ .
23 He might visit from time to time should a story miserable enough to write about crop up , but there was no way he was going to edit the paper from there .
24 Like Ari , she had no difficulty accepting the idea Tammuz had once been Ewan , but there was no way she could really feel this odd , crazed man was the one she 'd loved before .
25 She did n't have to like it , any more than she had to like being Vanessa Vail , but there was no way she could evade the responsibility without racking up a seed of guilt that would sprout and eat at her Dreams .
26 But there was no way she could bring herself to like the other woman , even though she suspected that , had the circumstances been different , she would have warmed to her immediately .
27 But there was no way she would allow herself to be carried away by that hypnotic pull that he had over her .
28 Well , she might be half-English herself , but there was no way she could just stand by and watch .
29 Right then Shannon would gladly have given her entire make-up kit for a rest , but there was no way she was about to admit any weakness to him , particularly after that crack about her ‘ poor over-used mouth ’ .
30 But there was no way she was going to open that door until she knew who was there .
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