Example sentences of "but [adv] if [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps if they had listened to what folk-legend had maintained for thousands of years neurobiologists would not have been so surprised at the learning and memory capacity of the bees .
2 This effect can be eliminated , but only if we cease to use our 50Hz or 60Hz frequencies and rely on DC exclusively or , alternatively , double the operating frequency to 100Hz or 120Hz .
3 Newcomers are welcome to the group next term — but only if they 've had some experience of tap dancing .
4 These nasty little ‘ parasites ’ are often found nestling in , feeding on , and damaging the gills in your pond ( or coldwater aquarium ) fish but only if you have introduced Swan Mussels into your system .
5 It can be seen that there is a good profit to be made , but only if you do sell all your production at the prices already suggested .
6 A Mandela book might attract many of these readers , but only if he wants to write it .
7 But anyway if they did phone now I think it 's very bad practice if she 's leaving tomorrow
8 The previous evening , I could not have completed the last fifty yards without his help , but now if he had climbed on my back he could not have been more of a hindrance .
9 But even if we 've known him for many years , if we 're committed Christians , if we 've been followers of Jesus , there are occasions , there are times in our life when there is turmoil and there is unrest and if we allow him to se , to take control he is able to bring peace .
10 But even if we tend to look for the scholarly , non-involved biography of the great man or woman we can not be sure that the work will be beyond criticism .
11 Yeah but even if we do get rid of Taylor who would become England manager ?
12 But even if we did have some such reason — even if we thought it slightly more natural for right-handed people , who form the majority , to drive on the right — our reasons for wanting everyone to drive on the same side would still be much stronger .
13 But even if they do come they still wo n't find any bodies .
14 But even if they do persevere , most mums find it difficult to feed their babies in public .
15 At first he thought it might be the Headmaster but even if he ran to check , he never arrived in time to find out who , or what it was .
16 But even if he had given me a direct answer , I do n't know that I would have believed him .
17 But even if he did save his electronic jottings , would they be readable by the end of his lifetime , or would magnetic deterioration plus hardware and software obsolescence combine to make the efforts of retaining the file futile ?
18 But even if I 've started bring the putter out to me on the course .
19 But even if I 'd thought , it would n't have seemed right to go poking and prying with her only just dead .
20 But even if you 've got plenty of money in your pocket at the moment , you must n't let others take advantage of your generous nature .
21 But even if you do catch up with her there 's nothing but spanners and wrenches in her medicine chest .
22 But even if you do have to pretend , just this once , that you are only an ordinary tourist , that trip will live in your memory , even if it is n't entered in your log-book .
23 Classic Maya civilization appears to have collapsed some 600 years before the Spanish conquest of Central America , but even if it had survived it seems inevitable that the Maya obsession with time would have remained a historical curiosity with no influence on the modern world .
24 He worried about that , but even if it had succeeded simply because it was just another of the ridiculous and unbelievable antics in a ‘ Carry On ’ film , succeed it did .
25 But sometimes if we 've got the wrong fuse in it wo n't blow and it will continue to feed the electric current through to the heater or whatever piece of electrical apparatus it is , until such times as we have a fire situation .
26 Maybe she 's a control freak , he was thinking , getting into an unreasonable flap just because she might have taken something that could unclench her a little ; but then if he 'd kept his mouth shut , she 'd never even have known .
27 Yeah but then if he had to find anything then
28 But then if you want to do the restoration yo
29 But then if I go zoom in here
30 I do n't quite know why , but anyhow if they do feel old at 75 , then they ought to be shaken up a bit .
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