Example sentences of "but [adv] [subord] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 He rejects the criteria favoured by Thompson not , of course , out of mere dogmatism , but rather because he believes that the self-consciousness of a class is not a crucial factor in explaining its birth and development .
2 I knew Leslie 's fastidiousness in sexual matters too well to take the poem literally , but only as he intended that I should : that though he had met many other girls on his leaves in Alexandria and Cairo , he still cared only for me .
3 Choreographers who are inspired to interpret music can do so in many ways , all of which can be successful , but only if they remember that its overall rhythm is not merely a mechanical guide to the timing of the steps within the dance design ( see page 68 ) .
4 Right in the course of our er er com our meetings Danny erm I will be asking you to recommend me to people but if , but only if you feel that this meeting has been of some benefit to you .
5 But just when it seemed that the former were to disappear up a one-club road to exclusive excellence , along came Newport and beat them to mark the first real return on all the investment at Rodney Parade .
6 But still if you read that carefully it does n't say he ca that they ca n't do it , the C E C. So I urge you to vote for the motion two five five .
7 These views depend on political values and preferences which we are not going to explore here , but clearly if you believe that society as a whole will gain by children from all income groups being educated together , or children from a local community or religious group being educated together , you will prefer a system of finance that favours such provision .
8 Miss Bhutto is spitting fury , not just over the matter of the provincial assemblies , but also because she says that she was given fewer ministries in the caretaker government ( just under a quarter ) than she deserves .
9 Instead of teleology , however , Epicurus advocated the existence of chance and free will , partly because , like Aristotle , he argued that you can not blame or punish a man for something he can not help doing , but also because he believed that there is a kind of spontaneity in men ( and possibly in animals ) that is manifested in our apparent freedom , to originate actions .
10 We are concerned for many reasons about the health of staff , but particularly when we know that illness and disease can be greatly lessened when smoking is reduced or stopped altogether .
11 But even if we assume that it is sound at an abstract philosophical level , it would be extremely dubious to assert that this theory can justify our present practices of punishment or anything like them .
12 But even if we discover that vineyards vanished from south east England at a time when the climate was getting colder , we still do not know for sure why they disappeared .
13 But even if we accept that there is a significant difference between the ‘ legal ’ and ‘ political ’ processes in the way in which decisions are reached , they would both still come firmly within the definition of power we adopted in part I , that is the ability to get others to do what you want them to , assuming this is different from what they would have done anyway , with the use or threat of sanctions if necessary .
14 But even if we allow that this can be a beneficial experience , we must question the wisdom of seeing it as the only valid way in which reading can be learned .
15 But then when you cut that in the Winter , it would be black and there would n't be any any any er er feed value , any sort of nourishment at all in it .
16 But then when you think that she did actually bite Mason !
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