Example sentences of "but [adv] [pers pn] have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The captain remonstrated , but eventually he had no option but to give it to her .
2 But presumably he had a place to go , and he would prefer to keep that problem to himself .
3 Oh , if it was bought two or three years ago , well I well obviously I could n't say , but obviously they have the option to read the policy at that point .
4 But suddenly he had an idea .
5 ‘ At first I thought it was Dame Agatha , but only you had the power and money to hire horsemen .
6 Clearly it was I who should have spoken these words , but already I had a feeling that I knew what the brown paper and the ribbed cardboard concealed , and I was n't going to say a word until time or circumstance compelled me .
7 But already I have the impression of warm spring sunshine .
8 But tonight it had no power to lull her into unconsciousness .
9 But finally he had an envelope of papers in one hand and his wallet in the other and Bruno was clutching a wad of Deutsch-marks and challenging Maxim with a twisted leer to say something about that .
10 But somehow I had no desire to move on .
11 For the end of the fourth and early fifth centuries Gregory was able to use the Spanish historian Orosius , and the works of two otherwise unknown authors , Sulpicius Alexander and Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus , but thereafter he had no historian to follow .
12 But still I have no doubt at all it remains erm at the top of the international league and is much admired elsewhere .
13 So we have two phenomena here , one of which is gating , the opening and closing in a simple on a simple er in simple response to a stimulus , but also we have a phenomenon of inactivation , in which the channel is left in a state where it 's unable to respond .
14 Really , I was too shagged to bother , but also I had an idea she would pass on peacefully in the night without any more help from me .
15 When we got married there were no wedding cakes , no wedding do 's , you were just glad to get married , you thought you were going to be better off , but really you 'd no idea .
16 ‘ I tend to shower when I go to the gym , but often I have a bath in the evening with my son .
17 ’ They virtually killed off our season when they beat us in the FA Cup at Stamford Bridge last year , but now we have the incentive of setting up another Mersey derby if we win . ’
18 But now she had an air of confidence a bloom on her skin , a light in her eyes .
19 His pace did n't slacken , but now he had a reference point , he could see exactly how far needed to be covered and he felt hopeful .
20 But now he had the advantage , and he intended to use it …
21 Wycliffe glanced back at the house and again saw the seated figure in the upstairs room , but now he had the impression that the figure was facing him , looking out of the side window .
22 He was following a shadow , but now he had an idea about where it was leading him .
23 The percentage of sales accounted for by each of these market segments is given below : At the 1986 level of demand the company was operating at full capacity , but today it has an excess of manufacturing capacity .
24 But intellectually they had no weight .
25 but even they had a problem and this is more deeper more philosophical , but I mean I , I really feel that sweep out the streets , something has gone badly wrong and , and that an effect not just to those individuals , but greater fabric .
26 But here we have a situation where proxy votes from the manager of Woolworths and the local Boots the Chemist , have steamrollered through this motion . ’
27 But here you have a piece of beading .
28 But then they had a cycling club , at chapel , and so we tended to go Saturdays , and then I started walking and youth hostelling .
29 But then they had a habit of melting into society , and in the meantime many had been the expensive guests of the German taxpayer .
30 But then we had a spell of bad weather during haytiming , a difficult situation at the best of times , and I simply could not manage .
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