Example sentences of "but [pers pn] be [noun] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it is Day-Lewis who dominates everything as he races around , long locks flowing and trusty musket in tow .
2 A lot of Alfie 's adventures are shared by his little sister Annie Rose , but it is Dad who takes him camping , very close to home .
3 Indeed the covenant is important but it is Christ who holds the key to the understanding of baptism and I thought that you would like to hear how your work has helped us to see our way in this respect .
4 The Doctor realises that there is no way the two teachers could have achieved all this , but it is Barbara who arrives at the real solution .
5 It is indeed a case of ‘ what you will ’ in decoding this and all other linguistic signs , but it is Iago who has made Othello construe it in that manner , and will continue to do so .
6 But it is God who gives the victory , through Moses ' intercession .
7 All systems based on the ideal of equality break down in action : that is a point that might be expected of Waugh , but it is Orwell who makes it the more forcefully : ‘ Some animals are more equal than others ’ , as the pigs decree in Animal Farm , symbolising the easy self-justifications of Leninists in taking and keeping power .
8 But it 's people who convert that into a successful business . ’
9 But it was Ryker who sat forward to restrain his companion .
10 Cuvier had claimed to be able to reconstruct an animal from a single bone , but it was Owen who did it , working out that a bone from New Zealand , broken at the ends , must have come from an enormous flightless bird , and being vindicated when the complete skeleton of a moa was found later .
11 Ruth clenched her hands inside her cloak , nerving herself to follow him ; but it was Fand who did n't move .
12 But it was Wolf who succeeded best in the nineteenth century in bringing drama into natural history illustration .
13 But it was Woodruffe who came around from the cab .
14 For Swindon it was shooting practice young Marcus Phillips on as sub for the first time nearly got a goal but it was Torquay who tookover towards the end …
15 But it was Morse who answered : ‘ If you wish , Lewis , I will give you the names and addresses of the three of them there that open all day .
16 But it was Morse who did so , as he continued :
17 His departure spurred Widnes , especially lively second rower Richie Eyres , but it was Wigan who pounced first .
18 But it was Belle who said , ‘ What about the hats ? ’
19 They 'd only been beaten 3 times this season so you feared the worst , but it was Oxford who struck next ; another no goal , or no penalty , according to Kevin Keegan .
20 Roger Daltrey , all Shirley Temple curls and inflated biceps , swung his microphone dutifully and John Entwistle , in a tatty spiv 's blouson and shock of white hair , stood characteristically immobile , but it was Townshend who looked most chirpy .
21 But it was Wills who posed the most potent threat from the number one contender 's corner .
22 But it was Cromwell who remained the arch repository of true evil in the world , Cromwell who had persecuted Ireland so greatly as to overshadow even Queen Elizabeth who , vilifying Mary Stuart , had put her to a martyr 's death .
23 The Woman leaned forward , her face eager , but it was Doyle who answered , dropping every word slowly so that it rippled like a stone in a pond .
24 She also holed from 40 feet for a birdie at the short 17th , but it was Mason who preserved their lead .
25 But it was Lisabeth who got the mince for him .
26 But it was Vose who came through with a strong finish on the final circuit to claim second place , but he could not match Pearson 's strength on the hills .
27 We all thought that Trotsky could have run rings round him , but it was Stalin who survived to wreck the last few hopes of the Revolution and now to swallow up Eastern Europe . ’
28 Since he first published his equations there has been a considerable literature developed which is devoted to expanding and refining this algebraic approach , but it was Bukharin who helped lay the foundation for this later work .
29 But it was Swindon who had all the chances .
30 were regular visitors at his home , but it was Busoni who became Petri 's mentor , and close friend .
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