Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [vb past] give [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But I decided to give my countryman a chance , not that I 'd moved four thousand miles to be shown around London by a fellow American , and a hick from the provinces to boot .
2 If he failed to come up with explanations to put everything right then , and then only , would he have to face the consequences himself , for it was clear now that she would have to leave — disengage herself from him , as Marc had so succinctly put it — but she had given her word and she would wait until the whole matter could be discussed openly .
3 But she 'd given her promise , albeit with great reluctance , not to confide the truth to her friend .
4 Then er on a Saturdays our slaughterhouse was , our slaughterhouse was still open up the street then and we used to perhaps kill twelve , fourteen pigs for private people , but they had to give their ration up , six months ' or twelve months ' ration up to have these pigs .
5 André was far too exuberant to be shattered by something like that , but it had given her ego a kick .
6 Not that our sort is given to bragging in any case , but it had given my dad — a branch manager for one of the High Street banks — a certain quiet satisfaction to be able to let his staff know that his son was ‘ going up ’ to Oxford .
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