Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [adv] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am dark haired and tan quite easily , but I also have a lot of moles and freckles .
2 Well most of them they saying are six contracts , now they say , say , six month contract or eight month contract or a three month contract , but I just had a couple that were like oh they could be a
3 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ Merrill said , blindly thrusting her notebook into her handbag , ‘ but I already have a date . ’
4 But I always have a fork , a knife and fork ; it 's … it 's bad manners to eat with your fingers . ’
5 Reading the news for ITN means I sometimes work peculiar hours but I often have a weekday morning off , and that 's when I play golf .
6 That 's my first treble this season , but I once had a four-timer and a second from five rides at Newbury . ’
7 But I still have a map drawn by one of his colleagues , marking all the main sea-trout and salmon lies on Stack ; worth its weight in gold , quite irreplaceable .
8 But I still have a cry , sometimes , when I realize that my mother is dead — and that 's years after .
9 But you already had a lunch date , did n't you ? ’
10 But you always have a cup of cocoa . ’
11 But you still have a journey to make and it will be a terrible journey .
12 " But you still have a coach here , " Dr. Favor said .
13 Make no mistake , the odds are stacked against you , but you still have a chance if you play your cards right .
14 Now that 's not particularly sensational , and that 's where the drugs and the alcohol abuse level comes across , and that is the emotive term , but what I 'm saying really is the symptoms which that teachers are displaying of stress manifest themselves in an increase in er abuse of alcohol which could only be the odd extra drink , or the odd 5 cigarettes a day , and sleeping tablets , and that becomes an issue when you have n't got a teacher who 's not in control the following day , but you certainly have a teacher who 's not 100% , and that 's where the effect on the child tends to occur .
15 Madame Mattli might be a stickler for detail , with a generous helping of the artistic temperament which kept her tight-coiled as a spring and which would explode into frenzy if the smallest detail was not as it should be , but she also had a kind face and deep perceptive eyes .
16 She 's fast , caustic and intelligent , but she also has a vulnerability , easy to spot , even under the ‘ Wicked Witch of Wapping ’ image , and off-stage it is her my instinct tells me to protect and defend .
17 Chorus numbers were sung in full , and the Hoflin girl 's little solo in Act Two was performed from beginning to end , but Ingrid , who was singing Lisa — not such a heavy role , but she still had a couple of solos — was resting her voice again , and the rest just walked and hummed their roles .
18 We , of the Rupert Bear generations , may not have retained our innocence but we surely have a duty to keep a sense of responsibility to the next generation .
19 My brother and I shared a room for a while but we soon had a partition put in allowing us to each have our separate rooms .
20 We do have traditional travelling people but we also have a lot of people these days who are dropping out of society and who do not want to stay put anywhere . ’
21 When we train we go through many moves and set pieces but we also have a joke .
22 We turned the tables in the FA Cup , but we still have a score to settle .
23 The main operations are in Coventry but we now have a satellite office in Grimsby to provide a regional service and handle smaller projects competitively .
24 Not on , not only do they wee on the carpet but they also have a tendency to try and avoid , cover it up
25 But they also have a right to the love , support and long-term commitment that their families are usually best able to provide .
26 Those young people , well , they did talk a bit loudly and show off , but they always had a smile and a pleasant word , and they did brighten the place up a bit , you could n't deny it .
27 Instead of the 125mph Class 89 prototype , an order was placed in January 1986 for twenty-nine Class 90 locomotives but they only have a potential of 110mph .
28 Not only were they still ignorant of the language , but they now had a sense of personal inadequacy — totally justified , I might add — which manifested itself in a stubborn refusal to learn anything .
29 But they never had a chance .
30 County were battered and bruised , but they still had a bit of bounce left and came back with a goal from Dean Thomas which sent Nicky Hammond the wrong way , only because it took a deflection .
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