Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [be] [art] [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 Other cars were parked on the lines — it was difficult to find a space ! — but I was the driver he chose .
2 Both she and John Smith have denied suggestions that they are running mates on a ‘ dream ticket ’ , but she is the deputy he would prefer .
3 We were friends but it is a pity he did not make that clear . ’
4 But it is the acid he holds , a hundred tabs of it .
5 But it 's a wonder he does n't .
6 I SYMPATHISE with Kevin Eason after his car accident but it 's a pity he did n't mention the fire brigade whose members help save thousands of lives on our roads .
7 But it was a role he very nearly did n't get when the film 's backers decided he had become too difficult to handle .
8 Having a slaughterhouse for his pigs next-door may have been very convenient for Charles , but it was a luxury he was soon to lose : The Frome Turnpike Trustees had decided to drag Frome into the modern world by demolishing Rossiter 's buildings as part of a scheme to widen the road and ease the notorious bottleneck north of the bridge .
9 He did not amplify nor did Lily ask the nature of that risk , but it was a comment he profoundly believed , an emotion rather than a rational thought .
10 The old man 's offer to buy the cottage was tempting , a few thousand pounds could be put to immediate use , but it was an offer he could n't accept .
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