Example sentences of "but [conj] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hunt is a legend here but if I go on and beat his all-time record I think it 'll take some bettering .
2 But if I write back and say I have n't actually had any wages since the seventeenth of January I might get it backdated from then .
3 But if you get up and give me a hand
4 You know , I mean even at these diet clubs , oh well , you know do n't stop going out just eat what you , but if you go out and you 're eating sweets for you know , after your dinner
5 Later on you can start slacking off , but if you come in and you 're all weak and everything else like that , then they 'll think , oh , we can play this person up , and that 's it , you 've had it , you know .
6 But if you phone up and they 've got one they reserve it for you but you have to get it that day , were n't it Bev ?
7 But if you turned round and said to them all right with the consent of the people and with the consent of the Planning Authority we will authorize a site , we would get on and provide it , and they would n't spend four hundred thousand pounds of the taxpayers money in doing it , and it does n't stop there because having spent the four hundred thousand pounds you 've then got to provide the wardening of the site and the constant maintenance , which is a drain .
8 While its hindquarters are towards you there is no real danger , but if it turns round and you can see its head you can bet that a bid to escape is pending .
9 and , well no it 's not sociable but because you come out and it , it gets you away from here because you 've got so many things on during the day you want some time to yourself and because you , we 've found us a place that we wo n't get busted and we know we wo n't we go in and have it but I can guarantee that if we were , like walking into this room , if it was full of smoke it would put me off straight away .
10 A new cooker or whatever can be a tremendous boon and investment but before you go out and spend money ask yourself questions about the way you live : is the pace hectic or leisurely ? how many and what sort of meals do you have to provide ? are you far from a good supermarket or freezer centre ? how much time do you have for shopping ? are you out at work all day ? do you grow your own vegetables ? how often do you entertain ? can you spend time on cooking and food preparation or is it always meals in a hurry ?
11 But before you rush off and spend your savings on a weaver or crib biter , think ahead .
12 They 're both at All Saints at present but whether she goes back or not is
13 But after he sat down and thought about it he came in and apologised to the lads . ’
14 But after he sat down and thought about it he has come in and apologised to the lads and realised he maybe should not have said it .
15 with me , you play the rule , but when they came in and they said all this
16 But when I looked up and saw you , all I could think of was holding you , kissing you — ’
17 The thing that , you see I was going to send off for a pair of gloves cos I ca n't find my thermal , but when I looked on and saw all the bits and bobs of paper that come , there was n't erm , little slip you get with a pound off , for postage and packing , which I 've been getting recently have n't you ? for erm
18 It is difficult to assess exactly what all these developments mean individually , but when you step back and look at them as a whole trend , the implications become clear .
19 But when you cast on and knit the sleeve , you find that when the work is removed from the machine , the stitches ‘ shrink ’ and in so doing , the depth of the armhole decreases .
20 Well no , now you see , now is , what 's happened is this tt we argued er the case after we saw the notice , but we only saw the notice about a week before it went into com into committee , so we 'd only a very short time to get everything organized , well we got letters and this petition , we sent it in to the council , Stanley came round and talked to one of the young men round our place , not like that , but he was saying oh we 'll do this , that and the other , but when he came round and now we know they 'd lobbied all the committee that were good and they knew it was gon na be passed , they knew before they went in it was gon na be passed
21 But when he looked down and met his daughter 's eyes , the certainty there disturbed him .
22 When he lowered Grainne on to the pile of thick fur rugs before the fire , he was trembling , but when he stood up and began to unfasten his own clothes , he did so with a calm sureness and a gentle authority .
23 But when he knelt down and tested the earth with his hands , some of the tracks seemed fresh .
24 But when she got back and dialled Alix 's number , Alix was out .
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