Example sentences of "but [adv] it [vb -s] n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously cock-ups like this we can well do without , but thankfully it does n't detract from the game too much .
2 I get a lot of help and I 'm very grateful but somehow it does n't seem to add up to a great deal .
3 ‘ I do , very much , ’ Ianthe admitted , ‘ but somehow it does n't seem to go with work .
4 Before I had to feel secure and loved , but now it does n't bother me .
5 ‘ A few years ago that would have been very much frowned on , but now it does n't matter .
6 Show it up if people had done all of it with it , but now it does n't look in with it yet .
7 Their call is like the peewit , but here it does n't sound melancholy like those peewits over Scotland 's moors and ruined crofts .
8 Yes , but sometimes it does n't work like that you know , sometimes I 'm having to go in Jane 's area , I mean like , for instance , we got a phone call last week about the alarm .
9 But then it does n't seem possible when you think back that it 's
10 It does n't sound very much like Michael Caine , but then it does n't sound like your own voice either and that 's all that matters .
11 Erm in the same way as th the glass in a greenhouse works , that it let's the radiant heat in but then it does n't let so much out , so the heat builds up .
12 She 'll not stint anyone , I daresay , but then it does n't come out of her pocket !
13 But actually it does n't tell you anything about the quality of the care which they 're purchasing and the evidence that we are getting increasingly from the community health council is the experience of people of the health service is that actually the quality of the care is getting worse and this is not due to the staff in the health ee the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the e the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the for an operation er , four years , it should to be said er , she 's been waiting despite the government 's claim that all operations are done within two years er for very severe varicose veins and surprisingly enough she got them because of course most varicose have been removed her , the north-east Thames region erm , and er she turned up on the Wednesday and the operation had been postponed twice previously er , she was er gone through all the er , various tests which took her four hours cos she had to find all the places herself , there was nobody to show her to X-ray and various other places erm she was prepared for the op and then was sent home because there was n't a bed available !
14 So he has an interesting idea that we can set up democratic procedures to protect the minority within those procedures so that tyranny of the majority is something that afflicts only certain types of democracies , but if we have other types of democracies then we can protect the minority and the idea for proportional representation is often claimed in this light , but actually it does n't work as an idea , because although it allows a minority to be represented , represented is a different from being protected and so even if there 's a member of parliament with the one member of parliament with your unpopular views , that does n't mean that your unpopular views wo n't be made illegal say , because the fact that there 's one member of parliament wo n't mean that
15 erm you can hybridize these two , you can second generations , backcrosses and so on , the analysis has been made , and we know that there is n't a single large gene producing that effect — we know that there are quite a number of genes of reasonably small effect , we do n't know exactly how many but certainly it does n't look like a hopeful monster .
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