Example sentences of "but [adv] [pron] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Seeing trucks approaching , the latter made ready for battle , but luckily there was mutual recognition before any shooting started .
2 I have had more submissions than he said about South Ayrshire , but mostly they were tear-out strips from newspapers and from people who had been —
3 But perhaps he was long content for the profitable plundering of England to continue indefinitely .
4 They do obtain their nutrients from the host 's living tissue , but apparently there are ample supplies for both host and guests , and the arthropods usually suffer no ill effects .
5 As you know , at the moment it starts at five , but perhaps , ideally , it could start younger , but obviously there are financial considerations as well .
6 As you know , at the moment it starts and five , but ideally perhaps it could start younger , but obviously there are financial considerations as well .
7 We 're used to being told dark secrets about dead artists , but suddenly it 's open season on twentieth century public figures .
8 Some formidable and even frightening features of the familiar landscape have disappeared , and obviously that is to our great content , but elsewhere there are new commotions and new uncertainties , and I should also like to deal with some of those .
9 There is scope for more work on this , but already there are tentative pointers to the picture being similar .
10 But exactly what is sexual harassment .
11 Sometimes we have competitors who disappear , but quickly there are new competitors who rise up in their place .
12 But clearly it was imperialistic palaeontologists rather than imperialist fossils that set the pattern in both cases .
13 The extent of the problem will be discussed later in this section , but clearly there are other factors in language learning and some hearing people do learn to use BSL and achieve communication fluency with deaf people .
14 Not only do we have the problem of the exercise tactical scenario , but also there are real dangers .
15 Not only are there different kinds of theories but also there are different priorities awarded to theories vis-à-vis methods .
16 But anyway , one day he found himself walking in our street , which was different to how it is now , because not only was The Bar there , which as you know is gone now , but also there were different kinds of people living in that part of town then .
17 These tests provide reliable guidance in straightforward cases , but often there are additional factors varying with the circumstances which must be considered before the court will authorise a departure from the normal method of trial .
18 Babe-obsessed boys like Bill and Ted , Wayne and Garth and MTV 's Pauly Shore might once have been dismissed as metalhead wastoids , but now they 're big box office in a country seemingly intent on celebrating the stupidity of its youth .
19 Shining beads of silver and jet looped in the sunlight of space — but now they were blue diamonds on cobalt .
20 Initially a meter was thought to be desirable for accurate monitoring , but now there are available test strips which do not require a meter and are sufficiently accurate for the purpose if correctly used ( Ferguson & Prosser , 1980 ) .
21 Once it must have been very much on its own , but now there are modern houses within spitting distance .
22 But now there are new allegations of another scandal closer to home .
23 But now there are new allegations of another scandal closer to home .
24 School holidays were bad enough , but now it 's past bearing .
25 I hold no brief for Britain in this war , but now I 'm convinced Germany 's no better .
26 But today there are decorative paints and protective coatings which can ensure that your house remains dry under the most severe weather conditions .
27 Erm so there are some similarities but plainly there are clear differences between them and that influences , influences very much erm what they 're trying to achieve .
28 You might well rant and rage , and lash about with all the fury of a gathering storm , but underneath there are different vibes , making a commotion totally their own , are n't there ?
29 These problems also occur in developed countries ( section 6.3.3 ) , but here there is sufficient finance and expertise to initiate reclamation programmes .
30 But sometimes there are decisive reasons against doing so .
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