Example sentences of "but [adv] [verb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For a period of the late 16th century it appears to have come into the possession of the Earls of Leicester but eventually came back into the full possession of Trinity College , which remained lord of the manor until quite recent times .
2 She said nothing , but only arched back against the soft leather , lost in the tantalising , agonising pleasure of his hands — a pleasure that lit a fire deep inside her , but did nothing to quench it .
3 And I 'm really being enormously selfish at this moment , because what I want is not Richard fussing around — and he does fuss , you know — but just to go back to the terrace and have tea .
4 Dave did make a cameo appearance in his kayak to run it but quickly reverted back to the raft .
5 He got as far as lifting his head and getting one shoulder off the seat , but then collapsed back onto the leather , and let his eyes close .
6 But again come back to the point that consistently troubles me , which is the degree of the totality of the demands that we would place on those that we have quite strong political disagreements with , before we 're prepared to enter into an alliance with those women and with the Labour Movement or other organisations .
7 Sybil favoured him with a keen stare , but obediently turned back to the fire .
8 According to Halliday 's analysis , Yeats 's repeated use of the definite article in combination with an adjective before a noun ( ‘ the great wings ’ , etc. ) is unusual to the extent that , in contrast with most English usage , the article in this combination does not define anything , but instead refers back to the title ( it is ‘ anaphoric ’ rather than ‘ cataphoric ’ ) .
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