Example sentences of "but [pron] still [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This technique produced a great deal of interesting material , but I still felt a need to achieve more insight into the language behaviour of my informants — especially outside school .
2 But I still get the feeling that you are here for a definite reason . ’
3 I breathed through my mouth , but I still got the feeling of it .
4 The Fantasia in F minor , written for mechanical organ but one of the composer 's most intensely dramatic utterances , comes off fairly well ( but not as well as with Frantz and Eschenbach , who are compelling in this great work ) , but I still prefer the weight and variety of organ tone here ; and if the Adagio of the C minor Fugue with its two-piano writing is a trifle ponderous , the D major Sonata for two pianos that follows is not all so .
5 I may be getting on a bit but I still know a thing or two . ’
6 I had visited the apartment at least a dozen times , but I still found the fact of a lift opening directly into a living room incredibly impressive ; a proof of wealth as convincing as the possession of gold taps or of mink rugs or of the girl who waited to greet me just beyond the lift doors .
7 But I still have a map drawn by one of his colleagues , marking all the main sea-trout and salmon lies on Stack ; worth its weight in gold , quite irreplaceable .
8 But I still have a cry , sometimes , when I realize that my mother is dead — and that 's years after .
9 Then somebody and I , and I gun shots so you are dead but I still have the weapon .
10 Because I still think this is very much discriminating on the , people like Val for example , I know she 's got a little bit of scale two but I still think the reception is such a big responsibility
11 Sometimes these sophisticated nine-year-olds really do seem to have the bug but I still feel a bit uncomfortable encouraging them because they are so young .
12 ‘ I 'd offer to help , ’ she said apologetically , ‘ but I still feel a bit wobbly . ’
13 Along each side of the long window hung a heavy brocade curtain , the colour having long since disappeared , but which still retained an air of quality .
14 Then you go over the seat and hang off the inside , but you still keep a lot of weight on that outside peg and you put on some more if the tyre starts really sliding . ’
15 You feel good about the help you 've given perhaps , but you still wish the person would only ring when it 's essential .
16 Really careful with it but you still pick the outline up cos it 's in that area .
17 If you wish that to send things out to subbies first of all you 've got to have it reasonable , but you still need the length of that bar .
18 But you still have a journey to make and it will be a terrible journey .
19 " But you still have a coach here , " Dr. Favor said .
20 Make no mistake , the odds are stacked against you , but you still have a chance if you play your cards right .
21 It 's not very nice when you 're driving the vehicle and er I know you 're all experienced drivers and then you get somebody sitting there alongside you starting to look at you do , and I I you could 've been driving all your life but you still feel a bit edgy and a bit tense .
22 Chorus numbers were sung in full , and the Hoflin girl 's little solo in Act Two was performed from beginning to end , but Ingrid , who was singing Lisa — not such a heavy role , but she still had a couple of solos — was resting her voice again , and the rest just walked and hummed their roles .
23 But she still made no comment .
24 OK , her relationship with her father had taken a dip since her mother 's death , but she still knew the man better than almost anyone else on earth .
25 But she still thinks the exercise was worthwhile and says Bill Clinton will be wise to stay in touch with the ‘ small fries ’ .
26 " She 's forgetful and sometimes a little difficult , but she still does the garden and she did all the cooking right up to your aunt 's death . "
27 But she still held the gun and , as Kellerman turned on her , Donna shook her head clear and fired at him .
28 She was no longer anxious about her ability to cope with the inmates of the pet shop , but she still disliked the sight of birds and some of the more sensitive animals being kept in captivity .
29 The very first Miss World is celebrating being a cover girl on a magazine … eighty years after she won the original title.Alice Hyde is now 97 years old … but she still remembers the excitement of winning the world 's top beauty contest .
30 they , told them they can like it or lump it and they said the miner 's strike , but she still won the election after the miner 's strike which
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