Example sentences of "but [pron] is [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these names represent principalities and have a political significance ; others are simply regional tags which identify the surrounding population , for example the Solland in the far south , which used to be an independent realm but which is now part of Wissenland .
2 Joanna Lumley may be better known for her recent performance in ‘ Absolutely Fabulous , ’ but she is also president of Farms for City Children .
3 What advice would the Minister offer to a student who has a full student grant and a student loan but who is still £500 below the income support level , the minimum subsistence level for any individual in society ?
4 There is co-operation in information exchange between such centres , but there is also competition for peer recognition , which in turn affects research funding decisions for these very expensive facilities .
5 In part this may have been because the trend towards larger-scale workplaces meant children were less likely to see them working ; but there is also evidence of the now growing pressure to retire .
6 These studies are examples which illustrate the effects of good staff communication but there is also evidence of the results of communication breakdown .
7 Kinship between the Capetians and Plantagenets was a string played upon by many intermediaries and arbitrators , but there is also evidence for genuine expressions of affection .
8 But there is also work with younger children in playgroups , play schemes or parent and toddler clubs .
9 We may be appalled by what we find , but there is also consolation in discovering even trivial aspects of the lives of parents and ancestors whose histories we identify with our own .
10 Not only does he or she have the authority to appoint and dismiss or advance or relegate ministers , but there is also access to the patronage system for honours , awards and selection of candidates for high public office .
11 In the brain of this animal , there is not only a small fixed number of cells , but there is also constancy of many other features : the connections made by each cell to others , whether each connection is excitatory or inhibitory , the neurotransmitter substances released , and whether a cell is spontaneously active or not .
12 But there is also pressure on an employer to adopt the correct recruitment policy .
13 But there is already interest in the book .
14 Privatisation of the former trust ports will no doubt generate a number of substantial port development projects but there is already over-capacity in the industry .
15 There are other law officers who are politicians and members of the government , all of whom are expected to act impartially in their legal functions , but there is obviously scope for ambiguity and interpretation here .
16 The situation throughout the region is improving but there is still work to be done . ’
17 These new circumstances require a new model , but there is still disagreement on its form .
18 But there is still room for improvement .
19 But there is still controversy over whether this is too much of a compromise , and the church continues to deteriorate .
20 The next intake is already planned for Autumn 1986 , but there is still time for anyone suitable and interested to be included .
21 It is not snowing , but there is enough wind to be chilling and the day is grey and misty , so I get little sense of where the camp is , with visibility only a few tens of metres .
22 But there is definitely change on the home front .
23 Wives may act as secretaries but there is often difficulty in contracting sub-contractors during normal office hours .
24 But there is always hope on the horizon for these battling pit lasses .
25 ‘ We have a good team of regular volunteers but there is always room for more either at weekends or during the week .
26 Membership is climbing steadily , but there is always room for more , so please encourage your craftsman friends to join you .
27 But there is always room for more and the Managing Director of the Resource Centre , Sr Anna Doherty would like to hear from any individuals , groups , clubs or organisations interested in organising an event or contributing anything to the general fun of the weekend .
28 But it is also part of that long revolt in more liberal climes against the dominance of the ‘ providing state ’ , along with the rise of the individual citizen consumer — Galbraith 's ‘ politics of comfort ’ .
29 The transfiguration ( Matthew 17 ) , recorded here in 2 Peter 1 : 16–18 , is of course a unique event , but it is also part of a pattern for Peter 's life which shows he was a man who was close to God .
30 But it is still pie for Orwellian man , who suffers to save us all :
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