Example sentences of "but [pron] had [verb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had been coldly beautiful until the day she died , but nothing had brought her happiness .
2 He had said as much to Winifred Shalcross , but she had shaken her head .
3 She swam for 40 km ( 25 miles ) in the shark-infested Indian Ocean , but she had cut her foot and she saw half a dozen sharks trailing her .
4 But she had hidden her face in her hands .
5 If he failed to come up with explanations to put everything right then , and then only , would he have to face the consequences himself , for it was clear now that she would have to leave — disengage herself from him , as Marc had so succinctly put it — but she had given her word and she would wait until the whole matter could be discussed openly .
6 Harry glanced swiftly at Madeleine , but she had turned her back on him so he was unable to see her reactions to father 's comments .
7 But she had turned her agony into a blessing .
8 But she had turned her face to the wall .
9 But she had turned her face to the camera and it had caught a look that she could find nowhere else and indeed that seemed to belong to another girl ; she barely recognised herself .
10 But she had to shake her head to clear it of the dizzy sensation .
11 There was a plain white card inside as well , saying , ‘ Only the artist realizes that some of us exert a Homeric effort simply to behave ordinarily , ’ but she had translated her declaration to him into Latin in a self-defeating impulse to disown it , and he never troubled to puzzle it out .
12 But she had won her bride-groom .
13 The one hurdle still to be jumped was the gatekeeper ; but she had chosen her night carefully .
14 But she had chosen her path , and there was no turning back now .
15 Eleanor 's eyes still betrayed anxiety but she had regained her self-control .
16 And I must admit that Mary Shelley began the rumour ; but she had to make her impression on an untutored audience .
17 She knew that she would inevitably be just exchanging one set of problems for another when she moved in with her daughter and son-in-law and the grandchildren , but she had taken her time and come to the decision in her own way , and finally managed to make a very good adjustment to an entirely different life in a busy household .
18 A member of staff requested a thesis written by a Spanish researcher , who was funded by a Spanish university , but who had undertaken her research on plant specimens in the Herbarium of an institution in Germany , and elsewhere .
19 But he had despised her husband from the beginning .
20 He had not told her all he knew , she was sure of that , but he had confirmed her deduction about the provenance of the Durance paintings although he had stressed she could prove nothing .
21 Christina had offered to drive Stephen to the airport , but he had refused her offer in favour of James Morris 's , saying they had a lot to talk about .
22 But he had interpreted her remark to mean exactly the opposite .
23 André was far too exuberant to be shattered by something like that , but it had given her ego a kick .
24 It was as if she had been playing a part with all her might for several months , but it had sapped her energy .
25 But it had suited her mood , too .
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