Example sentences of "but [pron] [vb mod] have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 But I might have been speaking to a corpse , she was so pale and still and silent .
2 But someone must have been slipping amongst them like a stoat , noting , memorizing , carrying word stealthily to the Duke of Atholl .
3 She was discussing problems in Lee 's living-room but she could have been standing in front of a giant black door in the middle of a forest .
4 ‘ I 'm not being critical of our unions , but there should have been marketing people approaching the corporates even during the World Cup ’ , he says .
5 But they could 've been talking about something personal and we would 've heard everything they said .
6 Ricky had to steel himself not to take her in his arms , but he would have been putting a match to a petrol-soaked bonfire , and he did n't want to hate himself any more than he did already .
7 But he may have been wearing a dark ski cap of the Deerhunter style .
8 But he may have been wearing a dark ski cap of the Deerhunter style .
9 But he may have been observing the traditional superstition that it is unlucky for the bridegroom to see the bride on the eve of her wedding .
10 But he might have been speaking a foreign language .
11 He was speaking about Yugoslavia — but he could have been talking about the appalling scenes in Somalia or other parts of Africa .
12 Not that we worried about that per se , but he could have been carrying our wages .
13 But he must have been thinking something and I would have given anything to know what it was .
14 Severiano Ballesteros also had a 70 for a total of 213 but he must have been kicking himself for it included a seven at the 13th .
15 The third time she saw it Allen was with her but he must have been looking in the wrong place , for he did n't see it although she did n't understand how that could be .
16 ‘ I wo n't deny that , Mrs Wilson , but there was a period , just before she disappeared … well , I say just before she disappeared but it may have been going on for years , I do n't know … there was a period when she was very unhappy , very unhappy indeed . ’
17 No but it must 've been talking about youngsters having cars
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