Example sentences of "but [pron] [vb base] never [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps ; but I 've never seen any particular virtue in consistency , and it certainly made for variety .
2 And it can seem quite ghostly and atmospheric on a misty November afternoon , but I 've never seen any ghosts there .
3 dir : Yes , but I 've never given much credence to anecdotal evidence from surgeons .
4 shake yourself round , but I 've never know that last night
5 When I kept telling him what controls to use , the repeated reply was , ‘ OK , but I 've never done this before ’ , but he never sounded frightened .
6 But I 've never done this before . ’
7 But I 've never had any experience in this field .
8 ‘ You 'll have to forgive me but I 've never read any of your books .
9 ‘ I know who John Thaw is of course , ’ he said , ‘ but I have never heard any gossip about him buying a house here .
10 But I have never seen such a total lack of staff discipline in my entire career in the hotel business .
11 My Guppies keep getting pregnant but I have never seen any fry .
12 The spectral type is F. In general F-stars are said to be yellowish , but I have never seen any colour in Canopus , either with the naked eye or with optical aid ; to me it looks pure white .
13 It seems to be assumed by many advertisers that this sort of thing makes it simpler for the ( presumably illiterate ) public to take in , but I have never seen any evidence whatever to prove that it is better than , or even as good as , writing in slightly more formal English .
14 There are some people who claim to be able to control an axe kick to the top of the opponent 's head , but I have never seen this done effectively enough to score .
15 Female contestants are sometimes advised to wear a sanitary towel to protect the perineum from injury , but I have never known such an injury to arise .
16 There are many reports of their having been seen with binoculars , but I have never had any success .
17 ‘ I have been trying to get a video of the game for the past four or five years , but I have never had any success . ’
18 But I have never had any approach from Dr Clarke .
19 But I have never had this opinion of Edward Wood challenged in the House of Commons .
20 These days everyone seems to be hopping on and off jets if only to go to the Spanish holiday resorts , but I have never left these shores .
21 I know Harry is coming of age tomorrow , but you 've never had any experience of being in love with anyone else , so one has to ask oneself , how can you be sure this is the real thing ? ’
22 right , but we 've never covered all this see , you 've picked bits up as you 've gone along and another thing you should never give a choice of something and nothing you should always give a choice of something and something else
23 But we 've never had that here .
24 It 's important to take a case just to try , but we 've never won such a case yet .
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