Example sentences of "but [pron] [adv] [vb past] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 But I also felt that that we have something to offer in terms of works BES
2 But I soon realised that this view of women is completely bogus .
3 But I soon found that this had been a dubious choice .
4 A glance at the awful title suggested the answer ‘ nothing ’ but I soon found that this book is not like all the others .
5 It took me a long time to admit that , but I gradually realized that many people were grateful to me for sharing the thought with them .
6 But I personally felt that that was a good tackle on Speedy , Ron how did you see it ?
7 Her main task was to organise courses in communication skills , but she soon found that more of her job was about creating the climate of media awareness in the Catholic Church .
8 Mary MacArthur spoke in defence of married women 's high sickness claims to the Departmental Committee on National Health Insurance in 1914 , but she still feared that any improvement respecting their position under the scheme would ‘ discriminate in favour of the wage-earning woman as against her uninsured sister , whose need is often as great , [ and ] will result in a State premium on the industrial employment of married women ’ .
9 There were some astonishing shouting matches over trifles , but we soon realized that this was his way of life .
10 At first , his research was confined to the cosmetic uses of essential oils , but he soon realised that many of these oils had powerful antiseptic properties as well .
11 But he soon learned that such bribes and blandishments would not help his case .
12 But he once explained that this was due merely to prolonged gazing at himself in a mirror . ’
13 Baldwin thought the questions somewhat unrealistically phrased , but he nonetheless realized that many of those organizing and participating in the ballot were part of that middle , public-spirited opinion which he always regarded as an important part of his natural constituency .
14 Aylwin had been leader of the Christian Democratic Party in 1973 , when it had joined in calling on the military to intervene , but he now acknowledged that all political forces which had preferred confrontation to dialogue at that time , were responsible for creating the conditions in which human rights violations eventually took place .
15 This defined heresy as any opposition to the Catholic doctrine of the sacraments , but it also specified that any preaching which took place without licence was to be deemed heretical .
16 A Mayday was transmitted , but it later transpired that this had not been heard , probably due to a simultaneous transmission from another aircraft .
17 Some staff added other minor errors or disagreements but it soon emerged that some departments did not think that the report was fair and they criticized the general conclusion relating to their department .
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