Example sentences of "but [pron] [be] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But everyone is keen to say that it is hardly ever used now .
2 " I have been connected with different unions for this last twenty years " , he declared to the Royal Commission on Labour in 1892 , " but I am sorry to state that they have been formed for the benefit of one man , for he has generally cleared out with the funds " .
3 But I am sorry to say that , however alert Ivy 's attention was and no matter how much Herman admired Brenda Bruce , they seemed to miss the point .
4 I find it thoroughly fascinating , but I am sorry to say that as much as I enjoy your magazine there never seems to be much advice or any articles for that matter , for women like me .
5 I know in New York it is wealth that counts , but I am pleased to say that it is not so everywhere .
6 ‘ We read a lot these days about school and industry partnerships but I am pleased to say that ‘ partnership ’ is not a new word to us , ’ said Corporate Affairs Director and Company Secretary , Harold Bolter .
7 I have hinted your case to Lord Darnford , but I am concerned to say that he imputes selfish views to me .
8 He found , for example , that one company was realising that the whaling situation had been allowed to become a terrible indictment of all those involved in the industry , the Governments concerned and the International Whaling Commission , but I am afraid to say that it was the attitudes of the other two companies that prevailed in Japan for the ensuing years .
9 After the agreement was reached , indignant voices were raised in many quarters , but I am happy to say that few , if any , regarded my behaviour as treacherous .
10 Alas , I was to reach the age of sixty and retire before even the first sod was turned , but I am happy to relate that the building is now complete and occupied by AIB .
11 But I am happy to find that I am not alone .
12 At the first , there was not much co-operation , but I am glad to say that in October the association announced a scheme similar to that which my hon. Friend suggested — to offer discounts to certain car owners who have security devices fitted when the car is being made in the factory .
13 You loved her very much , but I am interested to see that you saw yourself as having sex , not making love .
14 But I am prepared to accept that her delusions of grandeur are a form of psychosis connected with ageing and that her refusal to consider retirement springs from an awareness that it is she , not the country , who is in danger of falling to bits is she desists from hyper-activity .
15 But I am ready to bet that it had something to do with the trajectory , the pathway through the real-life equivalent of Biomorph Land , that would have to be traversed in order to turn the retina the right way round , starting from whatever ancestral organ preceded the eye .
16 But I was delighted to see that it was in fact my hat .
17 When I first loaded up the pack I really thought it would be a bit top heavy — it 's a longer and slimmer pack than most British models — but I was delighted to discover that my fears were unfounded .
18 That was the end of the entry , but I was able to discover that Luiza had died in the municipal hospital of Bom Jesus and was buried in a pauper 's coffin in an unmarked grave wrapped only in a hospital sheet .
19 SOUTH Africa 's re-entry of the rugby scene promises much extra interest ( their general approach could make them the ‘ French ’ of the Southern Hemisphere ) , but I was concerned to see that a few of them , Naas Botha in particular , were wearing shoulder pads .
20 But I was surprised to find that Bessie did not scold me at all .
21 The BBC reissue contained very poor transfers , but I 'm delighted to say that thanks to good engineering work by David Lennick on Music and Arts 's new disc we can now enjoy these 1935 performances in acceptable sound .
22 But I 'm pleased to say that Steg is n't the hair-tearer I initially feared it to be .
23 On the entertainments side er , last year of course we had that one-off benefit with not having to absorb the first quarter 's loss and this year the er first quarter was pretty disastrous because we had an er er an er amalgamation of , of A the Gulf War B the recession and in London I R A bombing and that really stopped tourists coming to London from overseas and from the rest of the U K. But I 'm pleased to say that er we , we 're coming back very strongly and for instance in July at virtually all of our centres attendances were either up to last year very nearl very nearly up to last year or ahead of last year and er at Chessington our revenue was thirteen and a half percent up on last year which I think justifies our investment there .
24 But I 'm sorry to say that whichever way you work it out , the ship 's team beat us , ’ Faye added .
25 Two hundred thousand to improve the provision for extra pupils , here again er lot 's come out of er , the , the , but er ministers wax eloquent about what we should er do about this mounting problem of erm , of er truancy exclusion , discipline in general , erm , they tell us what to do , they tell us , er we must have er referral units and what have you , but then dont' give us any funds to do the job , but I 'm glad to say that all three party agreement that er that two hundred thousand or so , it to improve the er the , the service for extra pupils .
26 It is interesting , is n't it , that er I knew the road to Damascus was long , but I did n't realise it were that long cos on the second of July the Tories moved an amendment at P and R criticising us for spending money on the Lord Mayor 's car , but I 'm glad to see that you 've come back to the fold .
27 Walking out on your partner may not be the answer to midlife change and you may not want a divorce , but you are likely to find that you need to update your relationship if the marriage is to be sound and mutually satisfying for another twenty or thirty years .
28 He laughed , but she was pleased to see that he was fast becoming his normal self , this unwonted display of humility being hidden , perhaps only ever to be shown again to someone as close as her .
29 ‘ I said I would think about it , ’ Ven cut in , but she was pleased to see that he was relaxed still , and in no way hostile at her bringing the subject up again .
30 She was not all that sure that things were turning out so well with Nicky , but she was ready to admit that everything else about the south was idyllic .
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