Example sentences of "but [pron] [pron] [am/are] [v-ing] be " in BNC.

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1 When we 've actually given you the full thing in , the minutes , the mights , and where and whatever , you can look at it and say hey , there 's too much of that but what we 're addressing is the moral aspect of a child 's upbringing that perhaps we should be and say well right fine er , it might , I 'm just taking on environmental , right , now the year children to do environment there , but it 's really happening down there , I feel that these children in the past have n't he so can we take that out this year and bring in something totally new , totally different that you feel should go in erm so that it is more rationalised it 's not just my people doing what they want when you see the , the whole thing you can make suggestions and we come back and go back through it again we actually say to the form teachers this is what this will definitely happen for this term but when we 've looked at the whole five year sa side we might change some things .
2 But what we 're doing is as the resistance gets lower we get more current through .
3 But what we 're doing is making sure that ours is gon na be the best there like you know .
4 Councillor regrets that er we 're bringing council rents up by nine and half percent but what we 're doing is in fact precisely what his government is recommending us to do , so I 'm a little sup so would councillor kindly at some point explain why he regrets his own government 's policy .
5 As you know from our submission , sir , n we 've taken a more modest requirement for the Greater York area , and that 's based to some extent upon what we think is is achievable there , we 're not saying that erm the figure should not be higher , we 're not saying that the H B F figure for instance should nu not be er put in there , but what we 're saying is if that higher figure does go in because of the clear constraints on the provision of additional land the the higher figure may well mean that there 's a need for two new settlements ra rather than just one .
6 Can I just say in , in relation to your comment , I understand clearly what it is you 're saying , but what we 're saying is , how is the best way to present a press release ?
7 Yeah but what they 're saying is it 's got ta be in the night before so that when they come in that next morning
8 Yeah I mean , they 're upgrading all of the machines at work but what they 're doing is instead of throwing them out , those who do n't use P Cs that often are being given the slower machines and those that as part of their job function , they need something much faster have been given the the newer machines .
9 It feels cold : I had hoped for spring but what I am finding is winter .
10 nor reproduc duc tu tu tology , but what I am saying is that secrets store up trouble , and when doctors are
11 So I 'm not saying th th that there are n't these th the important other inputs , but , but what I am saying is that if you ask yourself where the kind of gene behaviour interface really exists is clearly in the human er in , in the human mind and it may be that the basic kind of parameters erm have , have been set for our emotions and I really do n't see how we can change those .
12 But what I am saying is that the that the side
13 But what I am doing is giving you the opportunity to prove me wrong .
14 There 's a lot of conservatism in the vocal world here , and they sometimes come to performances to compare if it 's louder or softer ; I like big voices and I 'm trying to collect every rich voice I can , does n't matter if it 's in Novosibirsk where we heard Gorchakova , but what I 'm saying is that it has to be a complex , not just a voice and something else , or not just actor and a bit of voice . ’
15 Yeah , but what I 'm saying is that , yeah , but what I 'm saying is when the parent comes to you and says well the primary school said they were you can say well well yes but by by our standards and our assessment when they arrived here
16 Yeah , but what I 'm saying is that , yeah , but what I 'm saying is when the parent comes to you and says well the primary school said they were you can say well well yes but by by our standards and our assessment when they arrived here
17 teacher I 'm not going to argue that but what I 'm saying is that in this report I do n't think that 's necessarily the appropriate format .
18 but what I 'm saying is if it happens ,
19 I did n't show you the , the grade and the stage curves because we all know what they look like but what I 'm saying is that by doing the count provides us with additional information on this group of patients .
20 But what I 'm saying is the more you do of first ones the more you 'll do a second ones .
21 But what I 'm saying is that the er m Q Basic must have the facilities to put those menus up by just sort of saying put up menu .
22 No I 'm not ignoring them but what I 'm saying is that problems that people are genuinely concerned about of dust or noise are unlikely to have an impact at a distance of two miles .
23 I 'm not saying it 's one that the tribunal should have accepted , but , but , but what I 'm saying is th there is an element of psychological truth in that , because if Freud 's theories if er bond Freud theory group behaviour is correct , then that does seem to happen some extent that the leader as it were takes and presumably this is why some people erm presumably er feel better in groups , perhaps that they get something out of a group that their own ego can not provide , but other people are uncomfortable in groups because they feel that their ego is being alienated and they 're losing some of their some of their power .
24 But what I 'm saying is that there may only be one proof sense is what we as individuals derive from that proof .
25 But what I 'm saying is some schools they might be here seventy five days out of a hundred but for twenty of those
26 No they do n't get any standard valves , but what I 'm saying is if there 's a clear indication that the trend is away in future direc generations from standard valves to remote valves .
27 If we 're gon na do a deal then we , we , we have some to drive it through but what I 'm saying is that I think that if you have this meeting I , which is what February the second ?
28 I 'm not going to go into that , but what I 'm saying is we need to recognise this , because if you do recognise it , it makes life that much easier , does that .
29 I 'm not saying they would , but what I 'm saying is if say we 're four per cent behind and Ken wo n't give me the exact price
30 That is what 's happening now but what I 'm saying is put a new chiller in
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