Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] get [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's always easier to talk about warts and carbuncles than it is to focus on beauty spots , but I hope to get the balance right this morning .
2 It was down to the practice ground in the gloom for Jack and myself but I managed to get a message to Sally to meet me an hour later than planned .
3 But I managed to get a shilling for the horsehair chair , with the bed thrown in . ’
4 It took me about a day each to write , seal , stamp and post this letter of mine , but I managed to get the thing off in the end .
5 But I 've got a station and porters , and some milk churns . ’
6 I can easily walk to do shopping and so on , but I 've got a couple of suitcases here now , and I certainly ca n't manage those . ’
7 All the later ones we can but I 've got a couple more of these ones that work this one coming anyway so
8 But I 've got a message , will you tell my brother , no , do n't tell my brother th sa they said she said to one of the nurses and they said , your brother ?
9 But I 've got a letter here Mr Chairman .
10 That 's my work permit , but I 've got a letter which I 'll be getting tonight
11 But I 've got a job to do . ’
12 ‘ As to who did the wrecking , we have to wait to hear from Fox , but I 've got a search organized for Alfred .
13 ‘ As I told you , I did n't go out much when I worked in London , but I 've got a silk dress which I wore on the few times I went to the opera .
14 ‘ This course is made for me from tee to green but I 've got a lot to learn on the greens , ’ he said .
15 But I 've got a lot to make up in the slalom events . ’
16 It 's very nice of you to ask me — erm — but I 've got a lot to do when I get back to England — erm — I 'd like to have a lie down … and there 'll be piles of washing … and I have n't got a hairdresser … ’
17 But he admitted afterwards : ‘ I 'm pleased to win , but I 've got a lot of work to do in the gym still ’
18 But I 've got a lot of time for Tom Clarke , he 's a nice man and it would be absolutely disgusting if anyone tried to dump him at the moment . ’
19 But I 've got a feeling that there 's a small group of players out there who will probably play a Chandler 555 for the rest of their lives , and you 'll have to play one yourself to find out why .
20 . But I 've got a feeling they did n't .
21 Then I say no , no , but I 've got a feeling I 've got the price of milk pint .
22 ‘ This is all very fascinating , ’ said Wilcox , looking at his watch , ‘ but I 've got a meeting in here in about five minutes ' time , with my technical manager and his staff . ’
23 But I 've got a photograph of him , and I know he after the war was over he went back and married a nurse .
24 But I 've got a barley twist table .
25 Do n't know if she 'd be what he and Mr Sheldrake want , but I 've got a niece who 's just leaving school .
26 ‘ Nothing yet , but I 've got a team working around the clock so it should only be a matter of time before they come up with the answers . ’
27 I would 've gone round to warn her , but I 've got no idea where she lives . ’
28 ‘ I 'll be honest with you , I did n't want to come but I 've got no choice . ’
29 But I 've got no problem doing what I do at all .
30 ‘ Oh , but I 've got the return half , thank you . ’
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